"Non-User" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL


Neglect to use. Neglect to use a franchise; neglect to exercise an office. 2 Bl. Comm. 153. Neglect or omis-slon to use an easement or otber right 3 Kent, Comm. 448. A right acquired by use may be lost by non-user

Few words of positivity

Be patient, persistent and above all, believe.

Fennel Hudson, Wild Carp - Fennel's Journal - No. 4

Laugh your heart out.

Yo mama head so small she use a tea-bag as a pillow.

buyan-buyan HILIGAYNON

buyán-búyan - To neglect, postpone, put off, procrastinate, disregard, pay no attention to. Dílì mo pagbuyánbuyánan ang ímo mga tulumánon. …

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disusage ENGLISH

Gradual cessation of use or custom; neglect of use; disuse.

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Inadvertence LAW AND LEGAL

Heedlessness; lack of attention ; failure of a person to pay care-ful and prudent attention to the progress of a …

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lapsed ENGLISH

Having slipped downward, backward, or away; having lost position, privilege, etc., by neglect; -- restricted to figurative uses.

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neglect ENGLISH

Omission of proper attention; avoidance or disregard of duty, from heedlessness, indifference, or willfulness; failure to do, use, or heed …

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Nonfeasance LAW AND LEGAL

The neglect or failure of a person to do some act which he ought to do. The term ls not …

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nonusance ENGLISH

Neglect of using; failure to use.

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nonuser ENGLISH

Neglect or omission to use an easement or franchise or to assert a right.

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obsolete ENGLISH

No longer in use; gone into disuse; disused; neglected; as, an obsolete word; an obsolete statute; -- applied chiefly to …

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To pass by; to forbear or fail to perform or to make use of; to leave undone; to neglect.

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prayerless ENGLISH

Not using prayer; habitually neglecting prayer to God; without prayer.

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