"Nikruluhiya" is a word in CEBUANO

nikruluhiya CEBUANO

nikruluhíya n necrological service, services honoring a dead per-son after his death but before he is buried.
v [A1; b6] hold a necrological service.

Few words of positivity

Statistically, the odds that any given rape was committed by a serial offender are around 90 percent," Lisak said. "The research is clear on this. The foremost issue for police and prosecutors should be that you have a predator out there. By reporting this rape, the victim is giving you an opportunity to put this guy away. If you decline to pursue the case because the victim was drunk, or had a history of promiscuity, or whatever, the offender is almost certainly going to keep raping other women. We need cops and prosecutors who get it that 'nice guys' like Frank are serious criminals.

Jon Krakauer, Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town

Laugh your heart out.

A Catholic Priest and a Rabbi were chatting one day when the conversation turned to a discussion of job descriptions and promotion."What do you have to look forward to in way of a promotion in your job?" asked the Rabbi."Well, I'm next in line for the Monsignor's job." replied the Priest."Yes, and then what?" asked the Rabbi."Well, next I can become Arch-Bishop." said the Priest."Yes, and then?" asked the Rabbi."If I work real hard and do a good job as Arch-Bishop, it's possible for me to become a full Bishop." said the Priest."O.K., then what?" asked the Rabbi.The Priest, begining to get a bit exasperated replied, "With some luck and real hard work, maybe I can become a Cardinal.""And then?" asked the Rabbi.The Priest is really starting to get mad now and replies, "With lots and lots of luck and some real difficult work and if I'm in the right places at the right times and play my political games just right, maybe, just maybe, I can get elected Pope.""Yes, and then what?" asked the Rabbi."Good grief!" shouted the Priest. "What do you expect me to become, GOD?""Well," said the Rabbi, "One of our boys made it!"

cornet ENGLISH

A troop of cavalry; -- so called from its being accompanied by a cornet player.

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To soak, steep, or boil, in lye or suds; -- a process in bleaching.

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The following of a profession, sport, etc., as an occupation; -- opposed to amateurism.

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degradation ENGLISH

Diminution or reduction of strength, efficacy, or value; degeneration; deterioration.

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mongolian ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Mongolia or the Mongols.

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parabole ENGLISH

Similitude; comparison.

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cinder ENGLISH

A scale thrown off in forging metal.

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impalement ENGLISH

The act of impaling, or the state of being impaled.

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sponge ENGLISH

Dough before it is kneaded and formed into loaves, and after it is converted into a light, spongy mass by …

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lúkub - To cover, extend, spread over; to crouch, squat, sit upon. Nalúkban ang umá sang apán. The field was …

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To pinch; to distress. Specifically, to cause pinching and spasmodic pain to the bowels of, as by the effects of …

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curious ENGLISH

Careful or anxious to learn; eager for knowledge; given to research or inquiry; habitually inquisitive; prying; -- sometimes with after …

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wall-eye ENGLISH

An eye in which the iris is of a very light gray or whitish color; -- said usually of horses.

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gáung a weary-looking. paN- v [A2; b4] have a weary look on the face. Manggáung ang nawung sa táwung way …

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The root, or one of the branches of the root, of a tooth. See Tooth.

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Stale; worthless.

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gamekeeper ENGLISH

One who has the care of game, especially in a park or preserve.

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baktirya CEBUANO

baktirya n bacteria.

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A wall of turf or stone.

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