"Nickar Tree" is a word in ENGLISH

nickar tree ENGLISH

Same as Nicker nut, Nicker tree.

Few words of positivity

I initially thought I would be an architect, maybe. So I went to architecture camp and quickly learned that I did not want to be an architect. I was like, 'No. This is not for me.'

Robin Lord Taylor

Laugh your heart out.

What's the definition of a good tax accountant?Someone who has a loophole named after him.

bonduc ENGLISH

See Nicker tree.

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neckar nut ENGLISH
nicker ENGLISH

One of the night brawlers of London formerly noted for breaking windows with half-pence.

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nicker ENGLISH

The cutting lip which projects downward at the edge of a boring bit and cuts a circular groove in the …

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nicker nut ENGLISH

A rounded seed, rather smaller than a nutmeg, having a hard smooth shell, and a yellowish or bluish color. The …

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nicker tree ENGLISH

The plant producing nicker nuts.

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nickle ENGLISH

The European woodpecker, or yaffle; -- called also nicker pecker.

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