"Ngito-Ngito" is a word in HILIGAYNON

ngito-ngito HILIGAYNON

ngitó-ngitó - To be or become black,
dark, etc. See nitónitó. (cf. maitúm, itúm,
ilúm, mailúm, mangitóngitó).

Few words of positivity

A speeding bullet from a speeding car could not penetrate his heart

Gregory C. Warner

Laugh your heart out.

Why was the cannibal looking peeky?Because he had just eaten a Chinese dog!

mangito-ngito HILIGAYNON

mangitó-ngitó - Dark, obscure, black, dusky, ebon, sable, opaque. (cf. ngitóngitó, maitúm, ilóm, átà, áta, ágtà, madulúm, pitípit).

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nito-nito HILIGAYNON

nitó-nitó - Black, dark, swarth, swarthy, dingy, murky, pitchy, dusky, sable, ebon, sooty, sombre, jetty; to be or become black, …

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