"Ngaan" is a word in CEBUANO


ngáan = ngay-an, dialectal for diay.

Few words of positivity

Its time we woke up,” pursued Gerald, still inwardly urged to unfamiliar speech. “Women are pretty much people, seems to me. I know they dress like fools - but who’s to blame for that? We invent all those idiotic hats of theirs, and design their crazy fashions, and what’s more, if a woman is courageous enough to wear common-sense clothes - and shoes - which of us wants to dance with her?

Charlotte Perkins Gilman, The Yellow Wallpaper and Other Stories

Laugh your heart out.

How do warty witches keep their hair out of place? With scare spray.

byulita CEBUANO

byulíta n low perennial flowering ornamental with violet flowers: Barleria cristata.

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samporado HILIGAYNON

samporádo - (Sp. champurrado) A dish of chocolate mixed with rice-porridge or the like. (cf. samparádo id.).

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camous ENGLISH
karihan TAGALOG

karihan Definition: (noun) local restaurant

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peronate ENGLISH

A term applied to the stipes or stalks of certain fungi which are covered with a woolly substance which at …

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imputable ENGLISH

Accusable; culpable.

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makán - A kind of rice ripening rather late and usually harvested during the month of December. (cf. arabón).

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courageous ENGLISH

Possessing, or characterized by, courage; brave; bold.

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vinquish ENGLISH

See Vanquish, n.

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To twitch; to jerk.

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misdeem ENGLISH
honest ENGLISH

Open; frank; as, an honest countenance.

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nicker tree ENGLISH

The plant producing nicker nuts.

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humorousness ENGLISH

Moodiness; capriciousness.

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signation ENGLISH

Sign given; marking.

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kólan - To place, put, lay. Ginkólan níya siá sa isá ka pasungán. She laid him in a manger. Ikólan …

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Pretension LAW AND LEGAL

In French law. The claim made to a thing whlch a party believes hlmself entitled to demand, but which is …

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ladylove ENGLISH

A sweetheart or mistress.

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snippety ENGLISH

Ridiculously small; petty.

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synteretic ENGLISH

Preserving health; prophylactic.

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