"Navies" is a word in ENGLISH

navies ENGLISH

of Navy

navies ENGLISH

of Navvy

Few words of positivity

What do dogs do on their day off? Can't lie around – that's their job!

George Carlin

Laugh your heart out.

Why was the snowman's dog called Frost? Because Frost bites.

partition ENGLISH

A part divided off by walls; an apartment; a compartment.

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vacillant ENGLISH

Vacillating; wavering; fluctuating; irresolute.

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gossan ENGLISH

Decomposed rock, usually reddish or ferruginous (owing to oxidized pyrites), forming the upper part of a metallic vein.

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inchest ENGLISH

To put into a chest.

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Optional Writ LAW AND LEGAL

In old England praotice. That species of original writ, other* wise called a “praecipe,” which was framed in the alternative, …

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An opening made with an edged instrument; a cleft; a gash; a slash; a wound made by cutting; as, a …

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hypocaust ENGLISH

A furnace, esp. one connected with a series of small chambers and flues of tiles or other masonry through which …

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sculpturesque ENGLISH

After the manner of sculpture; resembling, or relating to, sculpture.

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To be formed into rope; to draw out or extend into a filament or thread, as by means of any …

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In Roman law. A rule of law applicable to magistrates ln Latium. It was either majus Latium or minus Latium,—the …

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encrinic ENGLISH

Alt. of Encrinital

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sassafras ENGLISH

An American tree of the Laurel family (Sassafras officinale); also, the bark of the roots, which has an aromatic smell …

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kwádra - (Sp. cuadra) Stable, horsestable.

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concern ENGLISH

That which relates or belongs to one; business; affair.

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chain wheel ENGLISH

A chain pulley, or sprocket wheel.

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A band shaped to fit the shoulders or the hips, and joined to the upper full edge of the waist …

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