"Narwal" is a word in ENGLISH

narwal ENGLISH

See Narwhal.

Few words of positivity

The irony of sensory deprivation tanks is that in order to think outside the box, you must first go inside one.

Ryan Lilly

Laugh your heart out.

What does the hungry monster get after he's eaten too much ice cream?More ice cream!

ustulation ENGLISH

Lascivious passion; concupiscence.

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An indefinite expanse.

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fatten ENGLISH

To make fat; to feed for slaughter; to make fleshy or plump with fat; to fill full; to fat.

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peptogen ENGLISH

A substance convertible into peptone.

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The business of a farrier; especially, the art of curing the diseases of horses.

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recharter ENGLISH

To charter again or anew; to grant a second or another charter to.

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A piece of leather, or strip of wood covered with a suitable material, for sharpening a razor; a strop.

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set-to ENGLISH

A contest in boxing, in an argument, or the like.

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libeler ENGLISH
orthopraxy ENGLISH

The treatment of deformities in the human body by mechanical appliances.

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To drive; to chase; -- with down, from, away, etc.; as, to hunt down a criminal; he was hunted from …

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To hurt by violence; to produce a breach, or separation of parts, in, as by a cut, stab, blow, or …

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polygraph ENGLISH

An instrument for detecting deceptive statements by a subject, by measuring several physiological states of the subject, such as pulse, …

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Notification; information; intelligence.

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To be illuminated; to receive light; to brighten; -- with up; as, the room lights up very well.

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Intimate; familiar; confidential.

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boxhaul ENGLISH

To put (a vessel) on the other tack by veering her short round on her heel; -- so called from …

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witing CEBUANO

wíting a {1} in cards or mahjong, be in a position where one needs only one more piece or card …

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rotifera ENGLISH

An order of minute worms which usually have one or two groups of vibrating cilia on the head, which, when …

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