"Narrable" is a word in ENGLISH

narrable ENGLISH

Capable of being narrated or told.

Few words of positivity

Writing is like prostitution. First you do it for love, and then for a few close friends, and then for money.


Laugh your heart out.

Why are rabbits like calculators? They both multiply a lot.

beweep ENGLISH

To weep over; to deplore; to bedew with tears.

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reviviscency ENGLISH

The act of reviving, or the state of being revived; renewal of life.

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kwan - A slipshod way of supplying a word or name one does not know or remember for the moment; …

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humdrum ENGLISH

A dull fellow; a bore.

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See catherine wheel.

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receivership ENGLISH

The state or office of a receiver.

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ulihad CEBUANO

ulíhad = kulíhad.

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excito-motor ENGLISH

Excito-motory; as, excito-motor power or causes.

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exuviation ENGLISH

The rejecting or casting off of some part, more particularly, the outer cuticular layer, as the shells of crustaceans, skins …

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gibbous ENGLISH

Swelling by a regular curve or surface; protuberant; convex; as, the moon is gibbous between the half-moon and the full …

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A state of excitement, passion, or hilarity.

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kasúm-od - Nausea, loathing, queasiness, qualm. (súm-od).

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abunansiya CEBUANO

abunansiya = abunda.

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The act of reimprisoning, or the state of being reimprisoned.

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stinkball ENGLISH

A composition of substances which in combustion emit a suffocating odor; -- used formerly in naval warfare.

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inconstancy ENGLISH

The quality or state of being inconstant; want of constancy; mutability; fickleness; variableness.

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molybdic ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or containing, molybdenum; specif., designating those compounds in which the element has a higher valence, as contrasted …

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Exheredate LAW AND LEGAL

In Scotch law. To disinherit; to exclude from au inheritance

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paleous ENGLISH

Chaffy; like chaff; paleaceous.

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