"Mynchery" is a word in ENGLISH

mynchery ENGLISH

A nunnery; -- a term still applied to the ruins of
certain nunneries in England.

Few words of positivity

There is a common tendency to turn off one's imagination at certain points and refuse to contemplate the possibility of having to do certain things and cope with the attendant moral problems. The things simply get done by the social machine, and one can keep one's clear conscience and one's moral indignation unsullied.

John Fraser, Violence in the Arts

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the viper want to become a python? He got the coiling.

abbess ENGLISH

A female superior or governess of a nunnery, or convent of nuns, having the same authority over the nuns which …

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convent ENGLISH

A house occupied by a community of religious recluses; a monastery or nunnery.

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munastiryu CEBUANO

munastiryu n monastery, nunnery.

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nunnery ENGLISH

A house in which nuns reside; a cloister or convent in which women reside for life, under religious vows. See …

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parlor ENGLISH

The apartment in a monastery or nunnery where the inmates are permitted to meet and converse with each other, or …

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superioress ENGLISH

A woman who acts as chief in a convent, abbey, or nunnery; a lady superior.

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