"Mutiny" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


In crlminal law. An insur-rection of soldiers or seamen against the au-thorlty of their commanders; a sedition or revolt in the army or navy. See The St^-cey Clarke (D. C.) 54 Fed. 533; McCargo v. New orleans Ins. Co., 10 Rob. (La.) 313, 43 Am. Dec. 180

mutiny ENGLISH

To fall into strife; to quarrel.

mutiny ENGLISH

To rise against, or refuse to obey, lawful authority in
military or naval service; to excite, or to be guilty of, mutiny or
mutinous conduct; to revolt against one's superior officer, or any
rightful authority.

mutiny ENGLISH

Violent commotion; tumult; strife.

mutiny ENGLISH

Insurrection against constituted authority, particularly
military or naval authority; concerted revolt against the rules of
discipline or the lawful commands of a superior officer; hence,
generally, forcible resistance to rightful authority; insubordination.

Few words of positivity

Stories don’t teach us to be good; it isn’t as simple as that. They show us what it feels like to be good, or to be bad. They show us people like ourselves doing right things and wrong things, acting bravely or acting meanly, being cruel or being kind, and they leave it up to our own powers of empathy and imagination to make the connection with our own lives. Sometimes we do, sometimes we don’t. It isn’t like putting a coin in a machine and getting a chocolate bar; we’re not mechanical, we don’t respond every time in the same way…The moral teaching comes gently, and quietly, and little by little, and weighs nothing at all. We hardly know it’s happening. But in this silent and discreet way, with every book we read and love, with every story that makes its way into our heart, we gradually acquire models of behavior and friends we admire and patterns of decency and kindness to follow.

Philip Pullman

Laugh your heart out.

How is a telephone like a dirty bathtub? They both have rings!

anarch ENGLISH

The author of anarchy; one who excites revolt.

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insurgent ENGLISH

A person who rises in revolt against civil authority or an established government; one who openly and actively resists the …

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loyalist ENGLISH

A person who adheres to his sovereign or to the lawful authority; especially, one who maintains his allegiance to his …

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To be disobedient to authority; to assume a hostile or insubordinate attitude; to revolt.

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rebellion ENGLISH

The act of rebelling; open and avowed renunciation of the authority of the government to which one owes obedience, and …

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revolt ENGLISH

The act of revolting; an uprising against legitimate authority; especially, a renunciation of allegiance and subjection to a government; rebellion; …

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The endeavor of the crew of a vessel, or any one or more of them, to overthrow the legitlmate authority …

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