"Mouther" is a word in ENGLISH

mouther ENGLISH

One who mouths; an affected speaker.

Few words of positivity

Pictures must not be too picturesque.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Laugh your heart out.

That tornado damage your cow barn any?Dunno. Haven't found the durn thing yet!


baang, báang () n {1} the mouth opened to eat s.t. Kagamay nga táwu apan dakug báang, Such a small …

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bàbà n {1} mouth. {2} any mouth-like opening. Bàbà sa lán-gub, Mouth of the cave. Bàbà sa butilya, Mouth of …

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banganga CEBUANO

bangánga v [A1; c1] open ones mouth wide. n distance the mouth opens. Dakù siyag bangánga kun manghuy-ab, He opens …

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A forcible stream of air from an orifice, as from a bellows, the mouth, etc. Hence: The continuous blowing to …

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A tidal flood which regularly or occasionally rushes into certain rivers of peculiar configuration or location, in one or more …

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bugwak CEBUANO

bugwak v {1} [AN; b6(1)] spit, blow s.t. out of the mouth. Ayaw ibugwak ang tambal, Do not spit the …

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bulà n bubbles, foam. a foamy, forming bubbles. Bulà kaáyu ning sabúna, This soap forms lots of suds. v [B346] …

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bungì a {1} harelip. {2} for a bottle or jar to have a chip in the mouth. {3} for s.t. …

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chelicera ENGLISH

One of the anterior pair of mouth organs, terminated by a pincherlike claw, in scorpions and allied Arachnida. They are …

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chopstick ENGLISH

One of two small sticks of wood, ivory, etc., used by the Chinese and Japanese to convey food to the …

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ciliata ENGLISH

One of the orders of Infusoria, characterized by having cilia. In some species the cilia cover the body generally, in …

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dactylozooid ENGLISH

A kind of zooid of Siphonophora which has an elongated or even vermiform body, with one tentacle, but no mouth. …

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dam-ut CEBUANO

dam-ut v [A1; b] wash around the mouth. paN- v [A2] wash ones mouth o? . Panam-ut dihà. Nagkamulitsing ang …

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dapál - A handful; to eat by handfuls; to slap with the open hand or palm. Idapál lang ang kán-on. …

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dungug CEBUANO

dungug v {1} [A12; a3b2] hear. Nakadungug ka sa kasábà? Did you hear the noise? Wà nákù madungug ang íyang …

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duyas v {1} [B2] slip, lose ones footing. Miduyas (naduyas) ang ákung tiil mau nga nabulásut ku, I lost my …

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fore tooth ENGLISH

One of the teeth in the forepart of the mouth; an incisor.

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A mouthful that makes one retch; a choking bit; as, a gag of mutton fat.

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gapingstock ENGLISH

One who is an object of open-mouthed wonder.

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gastrula ENGLISH

An embryonic form having its origin in the invagination or pushing in of the wall of the planula or blastula …

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