"Mortification" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH

Mortification LAW AND LEGAL

In Scotch law. A term nearly synonymous with “mortmain." Bell. Lands are said to be mortified for a charitable purpose

mortification ENGLISH

Subjection of the passions and appetites, by
penance, absistence, or painful severities inflicted on the body.

mortification ENGLISH

Destruction of active qualities; neutralization.

mortification ENGLISH

The death of one part of an animal body, while the
rest continues to live; loss of vitality in some part of a living
animal; gangrene.

mortification ENGLISH

That which mortifies; the cause of humiliation,
chagrin, or vexation.

mortification ENGLISH

A gift to some charitable or religious institution;
-- nearly synonymous with mortmain.

mortification ENGLISH

The act of mortifying, or the condition of being

mortification ENGLISH

Hence: Deprivation or depression of self-approval;
abatement or pride; humiliation; chagrin; vexation.

Few words of positivity

The law of manifestation operates like a triangle: First, know what you want and visualize it as if you already had it; Second, see it behind the illusion of reality, practice it in your decisions, choose the people you hang out with, etc; Third, believe, have faith and work on your emotions to be at the right frequency. This triangle of manifestation is one of the secrets of many religions: Scientology, Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism. In Masonry is seen as "heart, mind and desire"; in Scientology is perceived as "reality, communication and emotions"; basically, "actions, learnings and affinity". In Christianity, is the "Father, son and holy ghost". Father equals reality or Creator of the illusion; The son is the way, the path, our decisions and actions; The holy ghost is our heart, instincts and desires. In word words, through Jesus, and with the power of the Holy Ghost, you reach God. This is an allegory that most Christians can't understand. Jesus represent behavior - right and wrong; holy ghost is faith, your heart and emotions, it's the energy that connects you to your dreams; God represents the architect of reality. So, through moral behavior and emotions, your understand God and life, and then you receive "paradise". This paradise is whatever you dream for yourself. If someone has shown you this way, he has been as an angel, a messenger of God. If someone stopped you from reaching it, he has been as a demon, worker of Satan. If you failed to see this path, you have directed yourself to hell. If you hate your life, you are in hell. If you want to get out of hell, you must accept the truth, and that is that you must know God, for he is the truth.

Robin Sacredfire

Laugh your heart out.

The Ugly Hag by Ida Face


The fifth month of the Jewish year according to the ecclesiastical reckoning, the eleventh by the civil computation, coinciding nearly …

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ábang - To take within range or sweep (of fire, etc.). Sang pagkasúnug sang baláy ni Fuláno naábang man ang …

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The first month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year, corresponding nearly to our April. After the Babylonish captivity this month was …

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In the immediate neighborhood of; in contiguity or proximity to; near, as to place; by or on (one's person).

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Near; not far from; -- determining approximately time, size, quantity.

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Nearly; approximately; with close correspondence, in quality, manner, degree, etc.; as, about as cold; about as high; -- also of …

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abut-abut HILIGAYNON

abút-ábut - Freq. of ábut. To come and go, pass off and on; to come within reach, to reach nearly, …

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acacia ENGLISH

A genus of leguminous trees and shrubs. Nearly 300 species are Australian or Polynesian, and have terete or vertically compressed …

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academy ENGLISH

A garden or grove near Athens (so named from the hero Academus), where Plato and his followers held their philosophical …

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access ENGLISH

A coming to, or near approach; admittance; admission; accessibility; as, to gain access to a prince.

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v. /-UM-/ to approach, come near. Umadanin ti paskua. Christmas is approaching. --syn. ASIDEG. --var. ADDANI.

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The twelfth month of the Hebrew ecclesiastical year, and the sixth of the civil. It corresponded nearly with March.

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addayo ILOKANO

see under ADAYO. ADDAYTA [pl. ADDAGITA], there near you (it) is, there near you (they) are. --var. ADDADTA, ADTA, ARIDTA, …

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An entrance or passage. Specifically: The nearly horizontal opening by which a mine is entered, or by which water and …

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adjacent ENGLISH

Lying near, close, or contiguous; neighboring; bordering on; as, a field adjacent to the highway.

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Lying near or close to; contiguous. The difference between adjacent and adjoining seems to be that the for-mer implies that …

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The word “adjoining,” in its etymological sense, means touching or contiguous, aa distinguished from lying near to or adjacent And …

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admaxillary ENGLISH

Near to the maxilla or jawbone.

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adverb ENGLISH

A word used to modify the sense of a verb, participle, adjective, or other adverb, and usually placed near it; …

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adwana CEBUANO

adwána n {2} place where the customs house is located or the port area near the customs house. Didtus adwána …

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