"Morphophyly" is a word in ENGLISH

morphophyly ENGLISH

The tribal history of forms; that part of phylogeny
which treats of the tribal history of forms, in distinction from the
tribal history of functions.

Few words of positivity

I haven’t been to a temple in years, never been forced. My folks always said, marry a nice human being, religion doesn’t matter. They said your god is inside you! Don’t you forget that. Krishna, Jesus, Allah, are all one. Follow vegetarianism as far as you can, but you can choose your own diet, doesn’t matter. Believe in god, but for you and not because the world asks you to. Forgive and forget to be at peace. Do not believe in revenge, believe in karma!!

Manasa Rao

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the auto mechanic who went to a psychiatrist and insisted on laying under the couch?

histophyly ENGLISH

The tribal history of cells, a division of morphophyly.

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organophyly ENGLISH

The tribal history of organs, -- a branch of morphophyly.

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physiophyly ENGLISH

The tribal history of the functions, or the history of the paleontological development of vital activities, -- being a branch …

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