"Moldy" is a word in ENGLISH


Alt. of Mouldy

Few words of positivity

One of the parrots was very friendly with...Master of the Robes. He used to feed it nuts. As it nibbled from his fingers, he used to stroke its head, at which the bird appeared to enter a state of ecstasy. I very much wanted this kind of friendliness and several times tried to get a similar response, but to no avail. So I took a stick to punish it. Of course, thereafter it fled at the sight of me. This was a very good lesson in how to make friends: not by force but by compassion.

Dalai Lama XIV, Freedom in Exile: The Autobiography of the Dalai Lama

Laugh your heart out.

When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her.

moldiness ENGLISH

Alt. of Mouldiness

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moulder ENGLISH