"Modest" is a word in ENGLISH

modest ENGLISH

Observing the proprieties of the sex; not unwomanly in act
or bearing; free from undue familiarity, indecency, or lewdness; decent
in speech and demeanor; -- said of a woman.

modest ENGLISH

Evincing modestly in the actor, author, or speaker; not
showing presumption; not excessive or extreme; moderate; as, a modest
request; modest joy.

modest ENGLISH

Restraining within due limits of propriety; not forward,
bold, boastful, or presumptious; rather retiring than pushing one's
self forward; not obstructive; as, a modest youth; a modest man.

Few words of positivity

There is no such thing as standing still you either move forward or regress.

Bohdi Sanders

Laugh your heart out.

Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I'm a slice of bread. Doctor: You've got to stop loafing around.

forward ENGLISH

Ardent; eager; earnest; in an ill sense, less reserved or modest than is proper; bold; confident; as, the boy is …

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irgat a {1} for a woman to be pretentious in actions, putting on airs and showing contempt for ordinary people. …

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unassuming ENGLISH

Not assuming; not bold or forward; not arrogant or presuming; humble; modest; retiring; as, an unassuming youth; unassuming manners.

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