"Mistery" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


A trade or calling. Cowell

mistery ENGLISH

See Mystery, a trade.

Few words of positivity

I hear you're quite the writer. Quite the teacher's pet.""I... I don't know what you mean.""No? The maybe you're in for a surprise. A maybe it won't be a nice one."Kate heard her voice lashing out, braver than she felt."I don't know what you're talking about. But nothing that pertains to me is any of your business.'The match hissed again. She saw his black, black eyes flickering."You're right. How inconsiderate of me."Shaken, Kate willed her feet to move her forward."You should be more careful," Pearce said. "Anyone could find your key. Anyone could get into your cabin."Kate whirled to face him. "I have a roommate. I'm not alone.""A roommate?" And he sounded like he was smiling... a dark strange smile as if she'd said something particularly funny. "If someone wanted to get you," Pearce said slowly, and another match went out, "a roommate wouldn't stop them. They'd just get you. Wouldn't they?

Richie Tankersley Cusick, Teacher's Pet

Laugh your heart out.

Why won't a witch wear a flat cap? Because there's no point in it.


Lat (Pl., abigei, or more rarely abigeatores.) In the civil law. ' A stealer of cattle; one who drove or …

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abolition ENGLISH

The act of abolishing, or the state of being abolished; an annulling; abrogation; utter destruction; as, the abolition of slavery …

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Account-Book LAW AND LEGAL

A book kept by a merchant, trader, mechanic, or other person, In which are entered from time to time the …

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advantageous ENGLISH

Being of advantage; conferring advantage; gainful; profitable; useful; beneficial; as, an advantageous position; trade is advantageous to a nation.

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advocate ENGLISH

One who defends, vindicates, or espouses any cause by argument; a pleader; as, an advocate of free trade, an advocate …

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A person's concerns in trade or property; business. Montgomery v. Com., 91 Pa. 133; Bragaw v. Bolles, 51 N. J. …

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To fix or fasten upon, to attach to, inscribe, or impress upon, as a signature, a seal, a trade-mark. Pen. …

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almasiga CEBUANO

almasíga n almaciga, a large forest tree producing lumber, balaw, and the dammar resin important in trade since prehistoric times: …

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anti-trade ENGLISH

A tropical wind blowing steadily in a direction opposite to the trade wind.

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apprentice ENGLISH

One who is bound by indentures or by legal agreement to serve a mechanic, or other person, for a certain …

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apprentice ENGLISH

To bind to, or put under the care of, a master, for the purpose of instruction in a trade or …

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Apprentice LAW AND LEGAL

A person, usually a minor, bound ln due form of iaw to a master. to learn from him hls art, …

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The service or condition of an apprentice; the state in which a person is gaining instruction in a trade or …

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Apprenticeship LAW AND LEGAL

A contract by which one person, usually a minor, called the “apprentice,” is bound to another person, called the “master,” …

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arango ENGLISH

A bead of rough carnelian. Arangoes were formerly imported from Bombay for use in the African slave trade.

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artery ENGLISH

Hence: Any continuous or ramified channel of communication; as, arteries of trade or commerce.

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Articled Clerk LAW AND LEGAL

In English law. A clerk bound to serve in the office of a solicitor in consideration of being instructed in …

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artifice ENGLISH

A handicraft; a trade; art of making.

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artisan ENGLISH

One trained to manual dexterity in some mechanic art or trade; and handicraftsman; a mechanic.

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assets ENGLISH

The entire property of all sorts, belonging to a person, a corporation, or an estate; as, the assets of a …

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