"Miserably" is a word in ENGLISH

miserably ENGLISH

In a miserable; unhappily; calamitously; wretchedly;

Few words of positivity

Sometimes, people can be extraordinarily judgmental and closed-minded to anyone different or special, which is why it's so hard for young people in this day and age to be comfortable enough in their own skin to not listen to the people picking on them.

Ariana Grande

Laugh your heart out.

What's Up, Doc? by Howie Dewin


amolít - To harm, damage, injure, spite, do mischief to. Indì ka magamolít sa ákon— or—índì mo akó pagamolitán. Don’t …

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angól - (B) Close-fisted, miserly, selfish, greedy. (cf. hangúl, hákug, ímot, maóg).

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antithesis ENGLISH

An opposition or contrast of words or sentiments occurring in the same sentence; as, \"The prodigal robs his heir; the …

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apritádo - (Sp. apretado) Tight, close; close-fisted, close, stingy, niggardly, miserly; difficult, hard to bear, miserable. (cf. gutúk, mapíot; lapígot, …

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barat Definition: (adj) niggardly; stingy; miserly 2 Definition: Notes:

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bikusbikus CEBUANO

bikusbikus ka- v [A13] be miserably poor and hard up.

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buisit, buisit HILIGAYNON

buisít, buísit - Ill-starred, unlucky; luckless, unfortunate, miserable, out of luck; to be or become unfortunate, etc. Nagbuisít ang íya …

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calamitous ENGLISH

Suffering calamity; wretched; miserable.

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character ENGLISH

Quality, position, rank, or capacity; quality or conduct with respect to a certain office or duty; as, in the miserable …

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A selfish miser; an illiberal person; a niggard.

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codger ENGLISH

A miser or mean person.

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curmudgeon ENGLISH

An avaricious, grasping fellow; a miser; a niggard; a churl.

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cursedly ENGLISH

In a cursed manner; miserably; in a manner to be detested; enormously.

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dáhup v [A; a12] 1 close the mouth of a bag or net by pulling a drawstring run through a …

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dingót - Stinginess, meanness, niggardliness, parsimony, miserliness, penuriousness; to be stingy, miserly, close, parsimonious, chary. Indì mo pagidingót sa íya …

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dingotnon HILIGAYNON

dingótnon - Selfish, egoistic, covetous, miserly, stingy. (cf. dingót, maímot, maínot, maísip).

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distress ENGLISH

To cause pain or anguish to; to pain; to oppress with calamity; to afflict; to harass; to make miserable.

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forlorn ENGLISH

Destitute; helpless; in pitiful plight; wretched; miserable; almost hopeless; desperate.

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gidlay CEBUANO

gidlay ka- v [A13] {1} for clothing to be in tatters. Nagkagid-lay ang saput sa makililímus, The beggar was wearing …

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grasping ENGLISH

Avaricious; greedy of gain; covetous; close; miserly; as, he is a grasping man.

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