"Miscarrying" is a word in ENGLISH

miscarrying ENGLISH

of Miscarry

Few words of positivity

As a citizen of the world, I stand only with Truth and my conscience is my only leader. This is the only way to peace and justice on earth. To always do the right thing, be the right person, and stand with whoever is right always and forever.

Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Laugh your heart out.

What followed the dinosaur ?It's tail !


To miscarry; to bring forth young prematurely.

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abortional ENGLISH

Pertaining to abortion; miscarrying; abortive.

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abortive ENGLISH

Coming to naught; failing in its effect; miscarrying; fruitless; unsuccessful; as, an abortive attempt.

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founder ENGLISH

To fail; to miscarry.

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giping CEBUANO

giping v [AB; a] break things in a bunch apart, for things in a bunch to become separated. Si Nánay …

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hár-as - (B) Miscarriage, embryo, immature foetus (fetus); abortive, miscarried; to miscarry, have or cause a miscarriage, to commit abortion. …

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háwhaw - Formed complete, properly developed, not premature. Sa limá kamí nga magulútud tátlo ang háwhaw duhá ang hár-as. Of …

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kalabása - (Sp. calabaza) Squash, pumpkin, gourd; failure, mess, fiasco; to make a mess of, meet with failure, commit a …

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labi-labi HILIGAYNON

labí-lábi - Dim. and Freq. of labí. Also: A foetus or embryo miscarried during the early stages of development. (cf. …

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Capable of miscarrying; liable to fail.

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miscarry ENGLISH

To bring forth young before the proper time.

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miscarry ENGLISH

To carry, or go, wrong; to fail of reaching a destination, or fail of the intended effect; to be unsuccessful; …

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misfortune ENGLISH

To happen unluckily or unfortunately; to miscarry; to fail.

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punit v {1} [A; ab2] pick up with the hands. Punita nang ímung duláan sa salug, Pick your toys up …

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To miscarry; -- said of female beasts.

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tirbisiya CEBUANO

tirbisíya v {1} [B26; b8] miscarry, result in failure. Ug dílì mutirbisíya (matirbisíya) ang átung plánu, madátù giyud ta, If …

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upáng - To hinder, impede, put obstacles in the way, disturb, stop, prevent, embarrass, thwart. Náno ang nakaupáng sa ímo? …

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