"Mineralizer" is a word in ENGLISH

mineralizer ENGLISH

An element which is combined with a metal, thus
forming an ore. Thus, in galena, or lead ore, sulphur is a mineralizer;
in hematite, oxygen is a mineralizer.

Few words of positivity

What do dogs do on their day off? Can't lie around – that's their job!

George Carlin

Laugh your heart out.

Why was the snowman's dog called Frost? Because Frost bites.

blanch ENGLISH

Ore, not in masses, but mixed with other minerals.

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bournonite ENGLISH

A mineral of a steel-gray to black color and metallic luster, occurring crystallized, often in twin crystals shaped like cogwheels …

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Persons stealing ore from mines in Derbyshire, punishable in the bergh-mote or miners’ court; also officers beloug-ing to the same …

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dululangon HILIGAYNON

dululángon - (H) Ore, minerals to be mined, the output of a mine; industrial output (in general). (cf. duláng; palatúbson).

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Exploration LAW AND LEGAL

In mining law. The examination and investigation of land sup-posed to contain valuable minerals, by drilling, boring, sinking shafts, driving …

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The worn sides of river banks, where ores, or stones containing them, accumulate by being washed down from the hills, …

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gangue ENGLISH

The mineral or earthy substance associated with metallic ore.

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garnierite ENGLISH

An amorphous mineral of apple-green color; a hydrous silicate of nickel and magnesia. It is an important ore of nickel.

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hoppet ENGLISH

A hand basket; also, a dish used by miners for measuring ore.

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hushing ENGLISH

The process of washing ore, or of uncovering mineral veins, by a heavy discharge of water from a reservoir; flushing; …

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jigger ENGLISH

One who, or that which, jigs; specifically, a miner who sorts or cleans ore by the process of jigging; also, …

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launder ENGLISH

A trough used by miners to receive the powdered ore from the box where it is beaten, or for carrying …

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manganese ENGLISH

An element obtained by reduction of its oxide, as a hard, grayish white metal, fusible with difficulty, but easily oxidized. …

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matrix ENGLISH

The earthy or stony substance in which metallic ores or crystallized minerals are found; the gangue.

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menaccanite ENGLISH

An iron-black or steel-gray mineral, consisting chiefly of the oxides of iron and titanium. It is commonly massive, but occurs …

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Ore from which a metal is derived; -- so called by miners.

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A pit or excavation in the earth, from which metallic ores, precious stones, coal, or other mineral substances are taken …

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To dig a mine or pit in the earth; to get ore, metals, coal, or precious stones, out of the …

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A pit or excavation in the earth, from which metallic ores or other mineral substances are taken by digging, webster; …

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One who mines; a digger for metals, etc.; one engaged in the business of getting ore, coal, or precious stones, …

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