"Midwifery" is a word in ENGLISH

midwifery ENGLISH

Assistance at childbirth; help or cooperation in

midwifery ENGLISH

The art or practice of assisting women in childbirth;

Few words of positivity

And it hit me like a ton of bricks - that people will put you on a pedestalto only later pull it from under you. Stability.

P.A. Bitez

Laugh your heart out.

Who is the bees favourite pop group ?The bee gees !

accoucheur ENGLISH

A man who assists women in childbirth; a man midwife; an obstetrician.

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anak n son, daughter. sa búhat {1} laborer. {2} accustomed to hard work. Way báli kanà, kay anak man aku …

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iksaminadu CEBUANO

iksaminádu n {1} eligible for the civil service by having passed the exams. {2} a woman who has acquired through …

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maieutical ENGLISH

Serving to assist childbirth.

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midwife ENGLISH

To assist in childbirth.

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midwife ENGLISH

A woman who assists other women in childbirth; a female practitioner of the obstetric art.

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obstetricious ENGLISH

Serving to assist childbirth; obstetric; hence, facilitating any bringing forth or deliverance.

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obstetrics ENGLISH

The science of midwifery; the art of assisting women in parturition, or in the trouble incident to childbirth.

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paanák - Caus. of anák. To beget, procreate, make pregnant; to get another to be godfather or godmother at a …

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pabátà - Caus. of bátà—to give birth to a child, etc. Also: to help or assist at childbirth, at a …

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partira CEBUANO

partíra n midwife who hasnt undergone any formal training in assisting in childbirth. v {1} [B16] become a partíra. {2} …

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