"Middler" is a word in ENGLISH

middler ENGLISH

One of a middle or intermediate class in some schools and

Few words of positivity

He wasn’t a pretty boy, his nose was crooked and his grin lopsided, but he had that square-jawed, salt-of-the-earth handsome look that made a girl think of loose-hipped cowboys and demanding Scottish Lairds. And speaking of Scottish Lairds, old mate was a redhead. Usually gingers weren’t her scene but this guy’s hair was the rich coppery-auburn of a fox's pelt. It gleamed like rose gold under the floodlights, his short beard the exact colour as the stuff on his head. Big Red was doing it for her. Big time. And apparently, the feeling was mutual.

Eve Dangerfield, Open Hearts

Laugh your heart out.

A concerned husband went to a doctor to talk about his wife. He says to thedoctor, "Doctor, I think my wife is deaf because she never hears me thefirst time and always asks me to repeat things." "Well," the doctorreplied, "go home and tonight stand about 15 feet from her and saysomething to her. If she doesn't reply move about 5 feet close and say itagain. Keep doing this so that we'll get an idea about the severity of herdeafness".Sure enough, the husband goes home and does exactly as instructed. Hestarts off about 15 feet from his wife in the kitchen as she is choppingsome vegetables and says, "Honey, what's for dinner?" He hears no response.He moves about 5 feet closer and asks again. No reply. He moves 5 feetcloser. Still no reply. He gets fed up and moves right behind her, aboutan inch away, and asks again, "Honey, what's for dinner?"She replies, "For the fourth time, vegetable stew!"

alimukaw CEBUANO

alimúkaw n {1} state of semiconsciousness just before falling asleep or awakening. Ang íyang gisulti búnga lang sa íyang al-imúkaw, …

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amphibrach ENGLISH

A foot of three syllables, the middle one long, the first and last short (~ -- ~); as, h/b/r/. In …

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amphimacer ENGLISH

A foot of three syllables, the middle one short and the others long, as in cast/tas.

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amphitropous ENGLISH

Having the ovule inverted, but with the attachment near the middle of one side; half anatropous.

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anomaliped ENGLISH

One of a group of perching birds, having the middle toe more or less united to the outer and inner …

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artiodactyla ENGLISH

One of the divisions of the ungulate animals. The functional toes of the hind foot are even in number, and …

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así-así - (Sp. asi, asi) So-so, indifferent, middling, mediocre; of no special value, ordinary, of the common run; to do …

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átang - A beam or thick plank cutting across a bamboo-floor in an ordinary native house. Nearly every main room …

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atángan - Having an átang or more than one, as in the case of large rooms with bamboo-flooring. Ang baláy …

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balángit - (H) The span of the outstretched thumb and forefinger, the distance between the tip of the extended balangítaw …

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barairong ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to rotate, revolve, turn around, pirouette; to whirl about one’s body. Saan ka nga agbarairong dita tengga ti …

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The four large shell plates on the sides, and the five large ones of the middle, of the carapace of …

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The union or tie of the several stones or bricks forming a wall. The bricks may be arranged for this …

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bourgeois ENGLISH

A man of middle rank in society; one of the shopkeeping class.

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circus ENGLISH

A level oblong space surrounded on three sides by seats of wood, earth, or stone, rising in tiers one above …

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counter tenor ENGLISH

One of the middle parts in music, between the tenor and the treble; high tenor.

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crannoge ENGLISH

One of the stockaded islands in Scotland and Ireland which in ancient times were numerous in the lakes of both …

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crusader ENGLISH

One engaged in a crusade; as, the crusaders of the Middle Ages.

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A combination of a cube and octahedron, esp. one in which the octahedral faces meet at the middle of the …

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cuniform ENGLISH

One of the three tarsal bones supporting the first, second third metatarsals. They are usually designated as external, middle, and …

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