"Microzyme" is a word in ENGLISH

microzyme ENGLISH

A microorganism which is supposed to act like a ferment
in causing or propagating certain infectious or contagious diseases; a
pathogenic bacterial organism.

Few words of positivity

The challenge is quite formidable if you spell it out explicitly: artists must look at a three-dimensional scene with their two-dimensional retinas and then generate a two-dimensional painting that appears three-dimensional to viewers who look at it with their two-dimensional retinas.

Margaret S. Livingstone

Laugh your heart out.

A whole family was caught in a small boat during a sudden storm off the shores of Florida, but towed to safety in Fort Lauderdale by the ever alert U.S. Coast Guard. "I always knew God would take care of us," said the composed five year old daughter of the boat owner after the family got home. "I like to hear you say that," beamed the mother. "Always remember that God is in His heaven watching over us." "Oh, I wasn't talking about THAT God," the five year old interrupted. "I was talking about the COAST God."

aerobies ENGLISH

Microorganisms which live in contact with the air and need oxygen for their growth; as the microbacteria which form on …

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amylobacter ENGLISH

A microorganism (Bacillus amylobacter) which develops in vegetable tissue during putrefaction.

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anaerobies ENGLISH

Microorganisms which do not require oxygen, but are killed by it.

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gonococcus ENGLISH

A vegetable microorganism of the genus Micrococcus, occurring in the secretion in gonorrhea. It is believed by some to constitute …

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microorganism ENGLISH

Any microscopic form of life; -- particularly applied to bacteria and similar organisms, esp. such are supposed to cause infectious …

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mycoderma ENGLISH

A genus of microorganisms of which the acetic ferment (Mycoderma aceti), which converts alcoholic fluids into vinegar, is a representative. …

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pathogene ENGLISH

One of a class of virulent microorganisms or bacteria found in the tissues and fluids in infectious diseases, and supposed …

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spirillum ENGLISH

A genus of common motile microorganisms (Spirobacteria) having the form of spiral-shaped filaments. One species is said to be the …

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