"Microscopy" is a word in ENGLISH

microscopy ENGLISH

The use of the microscope; investigation with the

Few words of positivity

When you say fair, Samantha,” said Mr Green through a peculiar smile, “do you mean one of those travelling fleets of vehicles that arrive and set up things like spinning Waltzers and Big Wheels and all manner of machines that whizz people around in circles and up and down and from side to side? Machines that could...” Mr Green turned away and his unnatural smile became even more unsettling... “easily go wrong!

Mark Gorton, The Utterly Amazing BUMBLING-BOY VS. THE GREEN BOGEY: To bee or not to bee, that is the question

Laugh your heart out.

What's the most wicked thing a group of young accountants can do?Go into town and gang-audit someone.

adjust ENGLISH

To bring to a true relative position, as the parts of an instrument; to regulate for use; as, to adjust …

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adjustment ENGLISH

The operation of bringing all the parts of an instrument, as a microscope or telescope, into their proper relative position …

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amplify ENGLISH

To render larger, more extended, or more intense, and the like; -- used especially of telescopes, microscopes, etc.

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anthrax ENGLISH

A microscopic, bacterial organism (Bacillus anthracis), resembling transparent rods. [See Illust. under Bacillus.]

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bacillus ENGLISH

A variety of bacterium; a microscopic, rod-shaped vegetable organism.

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bacterium ENGLISH

A microscopic vegetable organism, belonging to the class Algae, usually in the form of a jointed rodlike filament, and found …

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binocular ENGLISH

Adapted to the use of both eyes; as, a binocular microscope or telescope.

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binocular ENGLISH

A binocular glass, whether opera glass, telescope, or microscope.

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camera lucida ENGLISH

An instrument which by means of a prism of a peculiar form, or an arrangement of mirrors, causes an apparent …

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Small, generally microscopic, vibrating appendages lining certain organs, as the air passages of the higher animals, and in the lower …

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compressor ENGLISH

An apparatus for confining or flattening between glass plates an object to be examined with the microscope; -- called also …

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Indistinctly crystalline; -- applied to rocks and minerals, whose state of aggregation is so fine that no distinct particles are …

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crystalloid ENGLISH

One of the microscopic particles resembling crystals, consisting of protein matter, which occur in certain plant cells; -- called also …

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desmidian ENGLISH

A microscopic plant of the family Desmidiae, a group of unicellular algae in which the species have a greenish color, …

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discoverable ENGLISH

Capable of being discovered, found out, or perceived; as, many minute animals are discoverable only by the help of the …

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dissecting ENGLISH

Used for or in dissecting; as, a dissecting knife; a dissecting microscope.

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doublet ENGLISH

An arrangement of two lenses for a microscope, designed to correct spherical aberration and chromatic dispersion, thus rendering the image …

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embolus ENGLISH

A plug of some substance lodged in a blood vessel, being brought thither by the blood current. It consists most …

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engiscope ENGLISH

A kind of reflecting microscope.

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erector ENGLISH

An attachment to a microscope, telescope, or other optical instrument, for making the image erect instead of inverted.

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