"Menispermaceous" is a word in ENGLISH

menispermaceous ENGLISH

Pertaining to a natural order (Menispermace/) of
climbing plants of which moonseed (Menispermum) is the type.

Few words of positivity

In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican.

H. L. Mencken

Laugh your heart out.

A couple was having some trouble, so they did the right thing and went to amarriage counselor. After a few visits, and a lot of questioning andlistening, the counselor said that he had discovered the main problem.He stood up, went over to the woman, asked her to stand, and gave her a hug.He looked at the man and said, "This is what your wife needs, at least oncea day!"The man frowned, thought for a moment, then said, "OK, what time do you wantme to bring her back tomorrow?"

accipitral ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or of the nature of, a falcon or hawk; hawklike.

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adverbial ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to an adverb; of the nature of an adverb; as, an adverbial phrase or form.

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affectional ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the affections; as, affectional impulses; an affectional nature.

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amygdaloidal ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or having the nature of, the rock amygdaloid.

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amylaceous ENGLISH

Pertaining to starch; of the nature of starch; starchy.

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anabolic ENGLISH

Pertaining to anabolism; an anabolic changes, or processes, more or less constructive in their nature.

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anathematical ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or having the nature of, an anathema.

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Pertaining to anthropology; belonging to the nature of man.

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antithetical ENGLISH

Pertaining to antithesis, or opposition of words and sentiments; containing, or of the nature of, antithesis; contrasted.

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apocalyptical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a revelation, or, specifically, to the Revelation of St. John; containing, or of the nature of, …

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apostematous ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or partaking of the nature of, an aposteme.

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appertain ENGLISH

To belong or pertain, whether by right, nature, appointment, or custom; to relate.

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arboreal ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a tree, or to trees; of nature of trees.

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archangelic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to archangels; of the nature of, or resembling, an archangel.

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Pertaining to Arius, a presbyter of the church of Alexandria, in the fourth century, or to the doctrines of Arius, …

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asbestine ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to asbestus, or partaking of its nature; incombustible; asbestic.

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asphaltic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, of the nature of, or containing, asphalt; bituminous.

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atheromatous ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or having the nature of, atheroma.

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atmospherical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the atmosphere; of the nature of, or resembling, the atmosphere; as, atmospheric air; the atmospheric envelope …

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attributive ENGLISH

Attributing; pertaining to, expressing, or assigning an attribute; of the nature of an attribute.

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