"Meninges" is a word in ENGLISH

meninges ENGLISH

The three membranes that envelop the brain and spinal
cord; the pia mater, dura mater, and arachnoid membrane.

Few words of positivity

What is a man, if his chief good and market of his time be but to sleep and feed? a beast, no more. Sure he that made us with such large discourse, looking before and after, gave us not that capability and god-like reason to fust in us unused.

William Shakespeare, Hamlet

Laugh your heart out.

A little boy, at a wedding looks at his mom and says, "Mommy, why does the girl wear white?"His mom replies, "The bride is in white because she's happy and this is the happiest day of her life."The boy thinks about this, and then says, "Well then, why is the boy wearing black?"

alma mater ENGLISH

A college or seminary where one is educated.

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almamatir CEBUANO

almamátir n Alma Mater.

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arachnoid ENGLISH

Pertaining to a thin membrane of the brain and spinal cord, between the dura mater and pia mater.

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dulurusa CEBUANO

dulurúsa = dulurúsu (female). mátir the Virgin Mary after the death of Christ. v [A1] have a devotion to the …

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Short form for Dura mater.

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Pertaining to the dura, or dura mater.

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dura mater ENGLISH

The tough, fibrous membrane, which lines the cavity of the skull and spinal column, and surrounds the brain and spinal …

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A curved fold or process of the dura mater or the peritoneum; esp., one of the partitionlike folds of the …

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Inflammation of the pia mater or of the arachnoid membrane.

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See Alma mater, Dura mater, and Pia mater.

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Mater-Famhjas LAW AND LEGAL

Lat. In tbe civil law. The mother or mistress of a family. A chaste woman, married or single. Calvin

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Inflammation of the dura mater or outer membrane of the brain.

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Pertaining to the pia mater.

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pia mater ENGLISH

The delicate and highly vascular membrane immediately investing the brain and spinal cord.

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stabat mater ENGLISH

A celebrated Latin hymn, beginning with these words, commemorating the sorrows of the mother of our Lord at the foot …

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subdural ENGLISH

Situated under the dura mater, or between the dura mater and the arachnoid membrane.

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tentorium ENGLISH

A fold of the dura mater which separates the cerebellum from the cerebrum and often incloses a process or plate …

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