"Melanosperm" is a word in ENGLISH

melanosperm ENGLISH

An alga of any kind that produces blackish spores, or
seed dust. The melanosperms include the rockweeds and all kinds of

Few words of positivity

You can almost always find chains of coincidence to disprove magic. That's because it doesn't happen the way it does in books. It makes those chains of coincidence. That's what it is.

Jo Walton, Among Others

Laugh your heart out.

The cannibal priest told his flock to close their eyes and say grace. "For whosoever we are about to eat, may the Lord make us truly thankful."


A kind of seaweed; pl. the class of cellular cryptogamic plants which includes the black, red, and green seaweeds, as …

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Pertaining to, or like, algae.

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algoid ENGLISH

Of the nature of, or resembling, an alga.

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algologist ENGLISH

One learned about algae; a student of algology.

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algology ENGLISH

The study or science of algae or seaweeds.

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algous ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the algae, or seaweeds; abounding with, or like, seaweed.

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androspore ENGLISH

A spore of some algae, which has male functions.

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aragan ILOKANO

n. an edible, brown seaweed or alga with flat thallus. 2 ARAGAN; IMMARAGAN, adj. undulate, wavy, e.g. the hair.

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bacterium ENGLISH

A microscopic vegetable organism, belonging to the class Algae, usually in the form of a jointed rodlike filament, and found …

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byssaceous ENGLISH

Byssuslike; consisting of fine fibers or threads, as some very delicate filamentous algae.

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carpospore ENGLISH

A kind of spore formed in the conceptacles of red algae.

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conceptacle ENGLISH

One of the cases containing the spores, etc., of flowerless plants, especially of algae.

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conferva ENGLISH

Any unbranched, slender, green plant of the fresh-water algae. The word is frequently used in a wider sense.

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crow-silk ENGLISH

A filamentous fresh-water alga (Conferva rivularis of Linnaeus, Rhizoclonium rivulare of Kutzing).

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One of the bladders or air vessels of certain algae, as of the great kelp of the Pacific, and common …

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desmidian ENGLISH

A microscopic plant of the family Desmidiae, a group of unicellular algae in which the species have a greenish color, …

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diatom ENGLISH

One of the Diatomaceae, a family of minute unicellular Algae having a siliceous covering of great delicacy, each individual multiplying …

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erythrite ENGLISH

A colorless crystalline substance, C4H6.(OH)4, of a sweet, cooling taste, extracted from certain lichens, and obtained by the decomposition of …

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favella ENGLISH

A group of spores arranged without order and covered with a thin gelatinous envelope, as in certain delicate red algae.

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