"Mediaevalist" is a word in ENGLISH

mediaevalist ENGLISH

One who has a taste for, or is versed in, the history
of the Middle Ages; one in sympathy with the spirit or forms of the
Middle Ages.

Few words of positivity

Firearms, if you think about it, are power tools. They drill holes in things and chew things up. That’s their purpose. The purpose of the user is, quite simply, to puncture and destroy the right things and not the wrong things.

Massad Ayoob, Gun Safety in the Home

Laugh your heart out.

Yo mama so ugly that your father takes her to work with him so that he doesn't have to kiss her goodbye.

Algarum Maris LAW AND LEGAL

Probably a corruption of Laganuin maris, lagan being a right, in the middle ages, like jetsam and flotsam, by "which …

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Ambasciator LAW AND LEGAL

A person sent about in the service of another; a person sent on a service. A word of frequent occurrence …

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atrium ENGLISH

An open court with a porch or gallery around three or more sides; especially at the entrance of a basilica …

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baudekin ENGLISH

The richest kind of stuff used in garments in the Middle Ages, the web being gold, and the woof silk, …

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birrus ENGLISH

A coarse kind of thick woolen cloth, worn by the poor in the Middle Ages; also, a woolen cap or …

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brigandine ENGLISH

A coast of armor for the body, consisting of scales or plates, sometimes overlapping each other, generally of metal, and …

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chausses ENGLISH

The garment for the legs and feet and for the body below the waist, worn in Europe throughout the Middle …

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ciclatoun ENGLISH

A costly cloth, of uncertain material, used in the Middle Ages.

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constable ENGLISH

A high officer in the monarchical establishments of the Middle Ages.

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cordwain ENGLISH

A term used in the Middle Ages for Spanish leather (goatskin tanned and dressed), and hence, any leather handsomely finished, …

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corset ENGLISH

In the Middle Ages, a gown or basque of which the body was close fitting, worn by both men and …

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crannoge ENGLISH

One of the stockaded islands in Scotland and Ireland which in ancient times were numerous in the lakes of both …

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crusader ENGLISH

One engaged in a crusade; as, the crusaders of the Middle Ages.

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cyclas ENGLISH

A long gown or surcoat (cut off in front), worn in the Middle Ages. It was sometimes embroidered or interwoven …

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dromon ENGLISH

In the Middle Ages, a large, fast-sailing galley, or cutter; a large, swift war vessel.

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elderly ENGLISH

Somewhat old; advanced beyond middle age; bordering on old age; as, elderly people.

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falchion ENGLISH

A broad-bladed sword, slightly curved, shorter and lighter than the ordinary sword; -- used in the Middle Ages.

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The reticulated headdress or net, made of gold or silver wire, in which ladies in the Middle Ages confined their …

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gainpain ENGLISH

Bread-gainer; -- a term applied in the Middle Ages to the sword of a hired soldier.

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galley ENGLISH

A large vessel for war and national purposes; -- common in the Middle Ages, and down to the 17th century.

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