"Medalya" is a word in TAGALOG, HILIGAYNON

medalya TAGALOG

Definition: (noun) medal
Notes: Spanish


medálya - (Sp. medalla) Medal, plaque.

Few words of positivity

We at Apple had forgotten who we were. One way to remember who you are is to remember who your heroes are.

Steve Jobs

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Beirut !Beirut who ?Beirut force !

trencher-man ENGLISH

A table companion; a trencher mate.

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A tract of land shaped like the letter delta (/), especially when the land is alluvial and inclosed between two …

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crosscut ENGLISH

A short cut across; a path shorter than by the high road.

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bucket ENGLISH

One of the receptacles on the rim of a water wheel into which the water rushes, causing the wheel to …

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funnel ENGLISH

A vessel of the shape of an inverted hollow cone, terminating below in a pipe, and used for conveying liquids …

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behoove ENGLISH

Advantage; behoof.

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urimus CEBUANO

urímus word used in the novena asking the congregation to pray the final prayer. v {1} [A; b] say the …

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mandarinate ENGLISH

The collective body of officials or persons of rank in China.

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wáay v [A; c1] raise a weapon preparatory to striking. Gi-waáyan níya sa bunal ang irù, He raised the club …

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gibstaff ENGLISH

A staff to guage water, or to push a boat.

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pedestal ENGLISH

A pillow block; a low housing.

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touching ENGLISH

Concerning; with respect to.

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kasuáyan - Quarrelling, bickering and biting; things fought or quarrelled about. (súay; cf. kasúay, kasuayón).

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evulsion ENGLISH

The act of plucking out; a rooting out.

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kaila Active Verb: magkaila Passive Verb: ikaila Definition: (verb) to deny, to profess ignorance of Examples: 1) Huwag kang magkaila …

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panegyris ENGLISH

A festival; a public assembly.

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mackinaw ENGLISH

A thick blanket formerly in common use in the western part of the United States.

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request ENGLISH

The act of asking for anything desired; expression of desire or demand; solicitation; prayer; petition; entreaty.

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