"Medalled" is a word in ENGLISH

medalled ENGLISH

of Medal

Few words of positivity

Foolish potato, talking to her like that won’t work. You’ve got to be mean and show off your foil-wrapped rigidity.

Michael Diack, The Super Spud Trilogy

Laugh your heart out.

Democrat men like to watch football while the women fix holiday meals. On this, Republicans are in full agreement.

acacia ENGLISH

A roll or bag, filled with dust, borne by Byzantine emperors, as a memento of mortality. It is represented on …

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acclamation ENGLISH

A representation, in sculpture or on medals, of people expressing joy.

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An instrument by which a correct engraving of any embossed object, such as a medal or cameo, can be executed.

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bronze ENGLISH

To give an appearance of bronze to, by a coating of bronze powder, or by other means; to make of …

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chronogram ENGLISH

An inscription in which certain numeral letters, made to appear specially conspicuous, on being added together, express a particular date …

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To make of a definite fineness, and convert into coins, as a mass of metal; to mint; to manufacture; as, …

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contorniate ENGLISH

A species of medal or medallion of bronze, having a deep furrow on the contour or edge; -- supposed to …

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countermark ENGLISH

A mark or token added to those already existing, in order to afford security or proof; as, an additional or …

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decoration ENGLISH

Specifically, any mark of honor to be worn upon the person, as a medal, cross, or ribbon of an order …

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diesinker ENGLISH

An engraver of dies for stamping coins, medals, etc.

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effigy ENGLISH

The image, likeness, or representation of a person, whether a full figure, or a part; an imitative figure; -- commonly …

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engrailment ENGLISH

The ring of dots round the edge of a medal, etc.

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exergue ENGLISH

The small space beneath the base line of a subject engraved on a coin or medal. It usually contains the …

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Of or pertaining to the art or process of electrotyping; employing, or produced by, the process of electolytic deposition; as, …

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garbansus CEBUANO

garbansus, garbantus n = karabansus. garbu n pride. Misinta siya dihang natandug ang garbu, He flared up when his pride …

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hiás - Decoration, embellishment, adornment, finery, trinket, jewel, jewelry, jewelery; to adorn, decorate, embellish, array, beautify, clothe with more than …

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incuss ENGLISH

To form, or mold, by striking or stamping, as a coin or medal.

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Inscriftion LAW AND LEGAL

In ovidoneo. Anything written or engraved upon a metallic or other solid substance, intended for great durabill-ty; as upon a …

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inscription ENGLISH

That which is inscribed; something written or engraved; especially, a word or words written or engraved on a solid substance …

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jugata ENGLISH

The figures of two heads on a medal or coin, either side by side or joined.

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