"Measure" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


That by which extent or dimension is ascertained, either length, breadth, thickness, capacity, or amount, webster. The rule by which anything is adjusted or proportioned

measure ENGLISH

The group or grouping of beats, caused by the regular
recurrence of accented beats.

measure ENGLISH

The dimensions or capacity of anything, reckoned according
to some standard; size or extent, determined and stated; estimated
extent; as, to take one's measure for a coat.

measure ENGLISH

The quantity determined by measuring, especially in buying
and selling; as, to give good or full measure.

measure ENGLISH

To pass throught or over in journeying, as if laying off
and determining the distance.

measure ENGLISH

Extent or degree not excessive or beyong bounds;
moderation; due restraint; esp. in the phrases, in measure; with
measure; without or beyond measure.

measure ENGLISH

To serve as the measure of; as, the thermometer measures
changes of temperature.

measure ENGLISH

To ascertain by use of a measuring instrument; to compute
or ascertain the extent, quantity, dimensions, or capacity of, by a
certain rule or standard; to take the dimensions of; hence, to
estimate; to judge of; to value; to appraise.

measure ENGLISH

The act of measuring; measurement.

measure ENGLISH

Determined extent, not to be exceeded; limit; allotted
share, as of action, influence, ability, or the like; due proportion.

measure ENGLISH

To be of a certain size or quantity, or to have a
certain length, breadth, or thickness, or a certain capacity according
to a standard measure; as, cloth measures three fourths of a yard; a
tree measures three feet in diameter.

measure ENGLISH

To result, or turn out, on measuring; as, the grain
measures well; the pieces measure unequally.

measure ENGLISH

A step or definite part of a progressive course or policy;
a means to an end; an act designed for the accomplishment of an object;
as, political measures; prudent measures; an inefficient measure.

measure ENGLISH

An instrument by means of which size or quantity is
measured, as a graduated line, rod, vessel, or the like.

measure ENGLISH

A standard of dimension; a fixed unit of quantity or
extent; an extent or quantity in the fractions or multiples of which
anything is estimated and stated; hence, a rule by which anything is
adjusted or judged.

measure ENGLISH

A number which is contained in a given number a number of
times without a remainder; as in the phrases, the common measure, the
greatest common measure, etc., of two or more numbers.

measure ENGLISH

To allot or distribute by measure; to set off or apart by
measure; -- often with out or off.

measure ENGLISH

To adjust by a rule or standard.

measure ENGLISH

To make a measurement or measurements.

measure ENGLISH

Regulated division of movement

measure ENGLISH

The manner of ordering and combining the quantities, or
long and short syllables; meter; rhythm; hence, a foot; as, a poem in
iambic measure.

measure ENGLISH

The contents of a vessel by which quantity is measured; a
quantity determined by a standard; a stated or limited quantity or

measure ENGLISH

Undefined quantity; extent; degree.

measure ENGLISH

The space between two bars.

measure ENGLISH

Beds or strata; as, coal measures; lead measures.

measure ENGLISH

A regulated movement corresponding to the time in which
the accompanying music is performed; but, especially, a slow and
stately dance, like the minuet.

Few words of positivity

One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying.

Jeanne d'Arc

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Annetta !Annetta who ?Annetta joke like that and you're off this bus !


-a - A suffix of verbs that have a passive in on. This suffix occurs in the following tenses: 1.) …

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Admeasurement LAW AND LEGAL

Ascertainment by measure; measuring out; assignment or apportionment by measure, that ls, by fixed quantity or value, by certain limits, …

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ang short form: ng {1} subject marker. Nawálà ang libru, The book is lost. {2} marker for definite predicate. Ang …

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assize ENGLISH

Anything fixed or reduced to a certainty in point of time, number, quantity, quality, weight, measure, etc.; as, rent of …

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atádo - (Sp. atado) Tied, bound; a bundle or heap; a certain measure, particularly used in selling small fish. Nakabakál …

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bás-ing - A small measure or quantity (of silk, damask thread, etc.). Isá ka básing nga sóklà. A skein of …

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bolometer ENGLISH

An instrument for measuring minute quantities of radiant heat, especially in different parts of the spectrum; -- called also actinic …

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bovate ENGLISH

An oxgang, or as much land as an ox can plow in a year; an ancient measure of land, of …

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búgway - A small measure or quantity of thread or yarn. (cf. bás-ing, búknol).

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burette ENGLISH

An apparatus for delivering measured quantities of liquid or for measuring the quantity of liquid or gas received or discharged. …

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bushel ENGLISH

A quantity that fills a bushel measure; as, a heap containing ten bushels of apples.

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By Estimation LAW AND LEGAL

In conveyancing. A term used to indicate that the quantity of land as stated is estimated only, not exactly measured; …

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calorimetry ENGLISH

Measurement of the quantities of heat in bodies.

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chyometer ENGLISH

An instrument for measuring liquids. It consists of a piston moving in a tube in which is contained the liquid, …

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commensurable ENGLISH

Having a common measure; capable of being exactly measured by the same number, quantity, or measure.

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commensurate ENGLISH

Having a common measure; commensurable; reducible to a common measure; as, commensurate quantities.

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coulomb ENGLISH

The standard unit of quantity in electrical measurements. It is the quantity of electricity conveyed in one second by the …

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The quantity of fluid which falls in one small spherical mass; a liquid globule; a minim; hence, also, the smallest …

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drosometer ENGLISH

An instrument for measuring the quantity of dew on the surface of a body in the open air. It consists …

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The efficiency of an engine, especially a steam pumping engine, as measured by work done by a certain quantity of …

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