"Maxilliped" is a word in ENGLISH

maxilliped ENGLISH

One of the mouth appendages of Crustacea, situated next
behind the maxillae. Crabs have three pairs, but many of the lower
Crustacea have but one pair of them. Called also jawfoot, and foot jaw.

Few words of positivity

The world is not magic — and that’s the most magical thing about it.

Sean Carroll

Laugh your heart out.

What works in a circus, walks a tightrope and has claws ?An acrocat !

apodeme ENGLISH

One of the processes of the shell which project inwards and unite with one another, in the thorax of many …

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arthrostraca ENGLISH

One of the larger divisions of Crustacea, so called because the thorax and abdomen are both segmented; Tetradecapoda. It includes …

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One of certain kinds of Crustacea; as, the sow bug; pill bug; bait bug; salve bug, etc.

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cephalothorax ENGLISH

The anterior portion of any one of the Arachnida and higher Crustacea, consisting of the united head and thorax.

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clasper ENGLISH

One of a pair of organs used by the male for grasping the female among many of the Crustacea.

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One of the brachyuran Crustacea. They are mostly marine, and usually have a broad, short body, covered with a strong …

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crustacea ENGLISH

One of the classes of the arthropods, including lobsters and crabs; -- so called from the crustlike shell with which …

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entomostraca ENGLISH

One of the subclasses of Crustacea, including a large number of species, many of them minute. The group embraces several …

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eyestalk ENGLISH

One of the movable peduncles which, in the decapod Crustacea, bear the eyes at the tip.

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lernean ENGLISH

One of a family (Lernaeidae) of parasitic Crustacea found attached to fishes and other marine animals. Some species penetrate the …

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oostegite ENGLISH

One of the plates which in some Crustacea inclose a cavity wherein the eggs are hatched.

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paragnathus ENGLISH

One of the two lobes which form the lower lip, or metastome, of Crustacea.

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paraphagma ENGLISH

One of the outer divisions of an endosternite of Crustacea.

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peraeopod ENGLISH

One of the thoracic legs of a crustacean. See Illust. of Crustacea.

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pleopod ENGLISH

One of the abdominal legs of a crustacean. See Illust. under Crustacea.

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podobranch ENGLISH

One of the branchiae attached to the bases of the legs in Crustacea.

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Any one of numerous species of large shrimplike Crustacea having slender legs and long antennae. They mostly belong to the …

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scyllarian ENGLISH

One of a family (Scyllaridae) of macruran Crustacea, remarkable for the depressed form of the body, and the broad, flat …

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shrimp ENGLISH

Any one of numerous species of macruran Crustacea belonging to Crangon and various allied genera, having a slender body and …

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uropod ENGLISH

Any one of the abdominal appendages of a crustacean, especially one of the posterior ones, which are often larger than …

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