"Masulundon" is a word in HILIGAYNON

masulundon HILIGAYNON

masulúndon - Following, imitating;
obedient, etc. See masinulúndon.

Few words of positivity

Hatred comes from the heart contempt from the head and neither feeling is quite within our control.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Laugh your heart out.

Where do wind gusts go to on dates?-To Chicago

twister ENGLISH

The instrument used in twisting, or making twists.

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dul-ay CEBUANO

dul-ay v [A; c] spit up, for a baby to vomit up excess food taken in. Ug iug-ug ang bátà, …

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moonish ENGLISH

Like the moon; variable.

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transship ENGLISH

To transfer from one ship or conveyance to another.

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familistic ENGLISH

Alt. of Familistical

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styptic ENGLISH

A styptic medicine.

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matronlike ENGLISH

Like a matron; sedate; grave; matronly.

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periodic ENGLISH

Alt. of Periodical

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A corpse; the dead body of a human being.

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A transcendentalist.

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explanate ENGLISH

Spreading or extending outwardly in a flat form.

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haidingerite ENGLISH

A mineral consisting of the arseniate of lime; -- so named in honor of W. Haidinger, of Vienna.

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dulcimer ENGLISH

An ancient musical instrument in use among the Jews. Dan. iii. 5. It is supposed to be the same with …

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pioneer ENGLISH

One who goes before, as into the wilderness, preparing the way for others to follow; as, pioneers of civilization; pioneers …

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earsore ENGLISH

An annoyance to the ear.

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A Saxon form of greet-ing, meaning peace and safety

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