"Masturbisyun" is a word in CEBUANO

masturbisyun CEBUANO

masturbisyun n k.
dance wherein both hands are alternately used as if masturbating.
v [A] do the masturbation dance.

Few words of positivity

The point of my work is to show that culture and education aren't simply hobbies or minor influences. They are hugely important in the affirmation of differences between groups and social classes and in the reproduction of those differences.

Pierre Bourdieu

Laugh your heart out.

Two blondes are walking down the street. One notices a compact on the sidewalk and leans down to pick it up. She opens it, looks in the mirror and says, "Hmmm, this person looks familiar."The second blonde says, "Here, let me see!" So the first Blonde hands her the compact. She looks in the mirror and says, "You dummy, it's me!"


A thread or slender rod of metal; a metallic substance formed to an even thread by being passed between grooved …

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husud v [A; b] for several persons to take turns carrying a load to a distant place in relays. Kay …

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remainder ENGLISH

The quantity or sum that is left after subtraction, or after any deduction.

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cement ENGLISH

The layer of bone investing the root and neck of a tooth; -- called also cementum.

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bugaung CEBUANO

bugáung n k. o. fish, the jarbua: Therapon jarbua. -un resem-bling the bugáung. {1} k. o. bird, a cuckoo shrike: …

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A piece of timber fixed on the bilge ways before launching, having the upper ends bolted to the vessel's side.

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burarawit ILOKANO

n. a long slender branch; a pendulous top of the bamboo.

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pantamorph ENGLISH

That which assumes, or exists in, all forms.

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Something given or admitted; a fact or principle granted; that upon which an inference or an argument is based; -- …

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lazybones ENGLISH
venous ENGLISH

Contained in the veins, or having the same qualities as if contained in the veins, that is, having a dark …

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tenant saw ENGLISH

See Tenon saw, under Tenon.

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Speedy; hasty; swift; not slow; as, be quick.

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termless ENGLISH

Inexpressible; indescribable.

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To expose to the action of fumes; to treat with vapors, smoke, etc.; as, to bleach straw by fuming it …

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The doctrine of consubstantiation.

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trove, who were the finders, and where it ls, and whether any one be suspected of having found and concealed …

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interfluous ENGLISH

Flowing between or among; intervening.

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nimble ENGLISH

Light and quick in motion; moving with ease and celerity; lively; swift.

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