"Mastir" is a word in CEBUANO

mastir CEBUANO

mastir kátir n master cutter of a tailoring shop.
ki n master key.
mayind n mastermind.
v [A; a2] be the mastermind.
Pulis ang nagmastirmayind sa túlis, A cop masterminded the robbery.

Few words of positivity

People only talk about how wonderful youth is when they have forgotten how hard it was.

Louis L'Amour, The Lonesome Gods

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Men will brag that there are women waiting by the phone at this very moment for their call. Who are these women?A: Women working at 900 numbers.

agalun CEBUANO

agálun (from ágad) n master, boss. v {1} [A123S] happen to get a master. Nakaagawun akug dagmalan, I happened to …

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n. master, lord; leader, protector. --var. AMONG.

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ámu vocative short form: mu n master, employer. Makagáwì ba ta sa ímung tilipunu, mu? May I use your phone, …

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Apprentice LAW AND LEGAL

A person, usually a minor, bound ln due form of iaw to a master. to learn from him hls art, …

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Emancipation LAW AND LEGAL

The act by which one who was unfree, or under the power and control of another, is set at liberty …

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Fellow-Servants LAW AND LEGAL

“The decided weight of authority is to the effect that all who serve the same master, work under the same …

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haluk n kiss, sni? , putting the nose next to the person kissed. v {1} [AC; b] kiss. Nagháluk sila …

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hárì n {1} king. Ang hárì sa Ispanya, The king of Spain. {2} the king in cards, chess. {3} master, …

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Hypothecate LAW AND LEGAL

To pledge a thing without delivering the possession of it to the pledgee. “The master, when abroad, and in the …

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istadu CEBUANO

istádu n {1} situation. Ang istádu mau ni: pagsulud nákù sa lawak dihay babáyi nga naghigdà sa katri, The situation …

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kunsidirar CEBUANO

kunsidirar v {1} [A; b(1)] give especial consideration, give al-lowance for. Mukunsidirar ku karun kay primíru pa nímung sayup, Ill …

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kuthan CEBUANO

kuthan see kutu. kuti a {1} intricate, requiring close attention and exactness. Kuti kaáyu ang pagburda sa kamut, Hand embroidery …

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lában v {1} [A; b] take sides with. Mulában ku nímu ug hustu ka, Ill go to your defense if …

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v. 1. not to like or want (to do something), to refuse (to do something). Madi mangan diay billit. The …

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maistru CEBUANO

maistru n 1, 1a = maistra (male). {2} education course. {3} the leader or instigator of activity, usually bad. Ikay …

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panahun CEBUANO

panahun, panáhun n {1} weather. Dì ta mularga kay dautan ang panahun, We cannot travel because the weather is bad. …

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Lat. In old pleading, whereby he lost the service [of his servant.] A phrase used ln the old declarations in …

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púkan v [AB12; ab2] {1} topple s.t. tall and erect. Hángin ang mupúkan ánang kahúya, The wind will uproot that …

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sinyuritu CEBUANO

sinyurítu n short form: nyurítu. term of address for young boys of high standing. Nía tu run si Nyurítu Haymi, …

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The act of a body of workmen employed by the same master, ln stopping work all together at a prearranged …

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