"Masqueraded" is a word in ENGLISH

masqueraded ENGLISH

of Masquerade

Few words of positivity

How old are you?""Ten," answered Tangle."You don't look like it," said the lady."How old are you, please?" returned Tangle."Thousands of years old," answered the lady."You don't look like it," said Tangle."Don't I? I think I do. Don't you see how beautiful I am!

George MacDonald

Laugh your heart out.

After she woke up, a woman told her husband, "I just dreamedthat you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine's day. Whatdo you think it means?""You'll know tonight." he said.That evening, the man came home with a package and gave it tohis wife. Delighted, she opened it - to find a book entitled"The meaning of dreams"

carnival ENGLISH

Any merrymaking, feasting, or masquerading, especially when overstepping the bounds of decorum; a time of riotous excess.

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disguise ENGLISH

A masque or masquerade.

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disguiser ENGLISH

One who wears a disguise; an actor in a masquerade; a masker.

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disguising ENGLISH

A masque or masquerade.

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dispras CEBUANO

dispras n mask for a masquerade or as part of a costume. v {1} [A; b6] wear a mask. {2} …

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domino ENGLISH

A kind of mask; particularly, a half mask worn at masquerades, to conceal the upper part of the face. Dominos …

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domino ENGLISH

A costume worn as a disguise at masquerades, consisting of a robe with a hood adjustable at pleasure.

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dominó - (Sp. domino) Dominoes; to play the game of dominoes; domino, a hooded robe worn for disguising or masquerading …

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duminu CEBUANO

duminu n {1} domino. {1a} game of dominoes. {2} domino costume for masquerades. v {1} [A2C; b(1)] play dominoes. {1a} …

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To take part as a masker in a masquerade.

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A festive entertainment of dancing or other diversions, where all wear masks; a masquerade; hence, a revel; a frolic; a …

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máskara - (Sp. máscara) Mask, disguise, face-mask; masquerade.

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masker ENGLISH

One who wears a mask; one who appears in disguise at a masquerade.

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maskery ENGLISH

The dress or disguise of a maske/; masquerade.

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maskirid CEBUANO

maskirid bul n masquerade ball. v [A1; c1] hold a masquerade ball.

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masque ENGLISH

A mask; a masquerade.

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masquerade ENGLISH

A Spanish diversion on horseback.

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masquerade ENGLISH

Acting or living under false pretenses; concealment of something by a false or unreal show; pretentious show; disguise.

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masquerade ENGLISH

An assembly of persons wearing masks, and amusing themselves with dancing, conversation, or other diversions.

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masquerade ENGLISH

To frolic or disport in disquise; to make a pretentious show of being what one is not.

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