"Masahi" is a word in CEBUANO

masahi CEBUANO

masáhi v [A; b] massage.
Masahían ta nang ímung páang gipa-maúlan, Lets massage your sore legs.
n massage.
-sta n masseur, masseuse.
v [B156; a12] be, become a masseur.

Few words of positivity

The top experts in the world are ardent students. The day you stop learning, you're definitely not an expert.

Brendon Burchard

Laugh your heart out.

How many LA cops does it take to change light bulb?Six. One to do it and five to smash the old bulb to splinters.


álam (not without l) ka- n knowledge of some special field, spe-cific know-how. Wà kuy kaálam sa pagpanghílut, I have …

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dam-ug CEBUANO

dam-ug v [A; b(1)] sprinkle water on s.t. to moisten it. Dam-úgan ta ug dágat ang kupras, Lets sprinkle sea …

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haplus CEBUANO

haplus (from palus) v {1} [APB12; a] for s.t. which is tied to s.t. or holds it to come o? …

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hapyud CEBUANO

hapyud v [A; a] {1} massage gently moving hands in one di- rection. Mitindug siya ug mihapyud sa íyang sinínà, …

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hílut v {1} [A; a12] massage, pull the bones for medicinal pur-poses. A wide variety of symptoms are treated by …

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v. /AG-, MANG-:-EN/ 1. to rub, massage. --syn. MASAHE. 2. to set (broken bones) by massaging. 3. to deliver a …

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kab-it CEBUANO

kab-it = kab-ang. kabkab v [A; a] dig a hole by scooping out dirt. Gikabkab sa irù ang bukug, The …

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kabugaw CEBUANO

kabúgaw n k. o. astringently sour citrus used for hair rinse and seasoning: Cytrus hystrix. kabúhì (from búhì) n {1} …

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kalaykay CEBUANO

kalaykay v {1} [A; ab2] dig up s.t. with the hands, hoe up s.t. in a scratching manner. Nagkaykay siyag …

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kiwì, kíwì v [B; c1] grow sti? or cramped in the joints, twisted out of shape. Mikiwì ang íyang bàbà …

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lamigas CEBUANO

lamígas = hulmígas. lamigmig v {1} [A; a] pat successively and shake or massage lightly, usually on a full and …

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langki CEBUANO

langkì a for teeth to be crooked. Makadisgwápa sa babáyi ang mga ngípung langkì, Crooked teeth mar a womans beauty. …

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marunggay ILOKANO

n. 1. the horse-radish tree (Moringa oleifera). 2. its fruit. MASA [f. Sp.], v. /MANG-:-EN/ to knead (dough, clay, etc.). …

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ngulngul CEBUANO

ngulngul v [B46] deep-seated pain over a wide area. Mingulngul ang ákung mga buktun sa pagpanglaba tibuuk adlaw, My arms …

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pekkel ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-AN/ to squeeze or wring (clothes. fabrics fibers) to force the water out of. /MA--AN/ to be squeezed or …

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pidlà v [A; c] {1} spurt, for liquid to be ejected with force for a short period of time. Inig-abut …

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pínul v [A; a] press hard on the muscles with the tips of the thumb and fingers to massage them.

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piruk v [B6; c1] for the eyes to blink once. pirukpiruk v {1} [A; c1] for the eyes to keep …

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pisil, písil v {1} [A; ab2] squeeze s.t. with the tips of the fin-gers fairly far apart. Pisíla (pisla) ang …

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pislit CEBUANO

pislit v {1} [A; a2b2] press s.t. hard with the fingers. Kinsay mipislit sa timbri? Who pushed the buzzer? Ayaw …

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