"Mas" is a word in TAGALOG, CEBUANO


Definition: (adv) more, as in MAS MAGANDA, more beautiful


mas {1} [adj.
] more [adj.
Ang ákung balay mas gamay sa imúha, My house is smaller than your house.
Mas maáyu nga pritúhun ni kay sa tanukun, It is much better to fry this than to boil it.
{2} báli it is better to [do].
Mas báli ihátag kay sa hulaman nga dílì iúlì, I would rather give s.t.
away than lend it and not get it back.

Few words of positivity

You sold out! We elected you, and you sold out! The next time we have an election, I think everyone should vote for himself. Or we might just as well vote for Charlie Brown! Yes, next year we may even say, 'You're elected, Charlie Brown!

Charles M. Schulz, You're Not Elected, Charlie Brown

Laugh your heart out.

What's a skunk's favourite game in school?Show and smell!


ánit n leather. Ang bag nga ánit mas lig-un kay sa plastik, A bag made of leather is much stronger …

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bakgrawun CEBUANO

bakgráwun n {1} background, past experience, origin. Sutáa únang íyang bakgráwun únà sugta, Verify his background first before you accept …

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báli a {1} be worth it (not used negatively). Písus ang palit nímu sa isdà? Báli sad, You paid a …

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bituun CEBUANO

bitúun n {1} star. {2} star in a movie. {3} star-shaped Christ-mas lantern. {4} k. o. tree of strand, the …

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dalayig CEBUANO

daláyig v [A; a] {1} admire, praise. Gidáyig sa tanan ang íyang katahum, Everyone admired her beauty. {1a} gi- for …

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duranti CEBUANO

duranti a {1} durable, long-lasting. Ang maung mas duranti kay sa sída, Denim is more durable than silk. sa during …

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gránu n {1} grains. Mas pínu ang gránu sa asúkar kay sa kámay, Refined sugar has finer grains than brown …

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hawid, háwid a similar, resembling. Mas hawid sa amahan ang kamagulángan, The eldest is most similar in appearance to his …

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hínis v {1} [A; b] remove dirt that clings to s.t. , polish by scour-ing or chemical action. Ímu bang …

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instul CEBUANO

instul v [A; ac] {1} buy s.t. on installments, pay installments. Instulun (instulmínun) ngánì nímu, mas dakù kag mabáyad kay …

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isturya CEBUANO

isturya v {1} [A; c] tell a story. Iisturya didtu sa kurti ang tinúud nga nahitabù, Tell the court what …

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kumplikadu CEBUANO

kumplikádu a complicated, di? cult to untangle or understand. Mas kumplikádu ang makina sa mutursiklu kay sa muturbáyik, The motorcycle …

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kuntra CEBUANO

kuntra a {1} s.t. contrary to ones liking. Kuntra ku giyud nang táwung palahúbug, I very much dislike people who …

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lawang CEBUANO

láwang a for an area to be wide, spacious. Mas láwang ang tinisan kay sa baskitan, A tennis court is …

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lukdu v {1} [A; c1] carry a load on the head. Mas sayun pag lukdúhun (lukdúun, ilukdu) nákù ang duwang, …

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lútù v {1} [AB12; a] cook. Humut ang nagkalutung inasal, The roast pig smelled delicious as it was cooking. Lutúun …

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ninu n a small tree similar to bangkúru but with smaller and lighter-colored leaves: Morinda sp. ninyu n the Holy …

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pára {1} sa, [dat. ] for. {1a} for the sake or benefit of. Nag-dala kug isdà pára nímu, I brought …

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pisil, písil v {1} [A; ab2] squeeze s.t. with the tips of the fin-gers fairly far apart. Pisíla (pisla) ang …

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priska CEBUANO

priska = prisku, a2, v2 (female). litsi n fresh milk. Mas lamì ang litsi priska kay sa linata, Fresh milk …

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