"Marvelously" is a word in ENGLISH

marvelously ENGLISH

In a marvelous manner; wonderfully; strangely.

Few words of positivity

Organised religion generally gets in the way of spiritual experience.

Alan McCluskey, The Reaches

Laugh your heart out.

Mama Pig has a great, new kitchen appliance that lets her prepare meals ahead. It's called a garbage compactor.

admirable ENGLISH

Fitted to excite wonder; wonderful; marvelous.

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admire ENGLISH

To regard with wonder or astonishment; to view with surprise; to marvel at.

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admire ENGLISH

To wonder; to marvel; to be affected with surprise; -- sometimes with at.

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bacterium ENGLISH

A microscopic vegetable organism, belonging to the class Algae, usually in the form of a jointed rodlike filament, and found …

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balábalá - To marvel, wonder, be amazed, be struck with wonder, be surprised or astonished. Nagabalábalá gid akó sang kadásig …

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Evidence directed to the attending circumstan-ces; evidence which inferentially proves the principal fact by establishing a condition of surrounding and …

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A wonder; a marvel.

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four-o'clock ENGLISH

A plant of the genus Mirabilis. There are about half a dozen species, natives of the warmer parts of America. …

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haláwhaw - To marvel, wonder, be amazed, astonished, spell-bound, stunned dumb-founded, staggered, surprised. Nagahaláwhaw akó sang kadámù sang íya nga …

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incredible ENGLISH

Not credible; surpassing belief; too extraordinary and improbable to admit of belief; unlikely; marvelous; fabulous.

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kabulongan HILIGAYNON

kabulóngan - See kabúlong. Also: Wonderful things, wonders, marvels, prodigies, objects to be admired.

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kaburudngan HILIGAYNON

kaburúdngan - (B) Wonder, marvel, astonishment, amazement, surprise, admiration. (cf. kabulóngan).

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kahaurungan HILIGAYNON

kahaurungán - Amazement, awe, astonishment, surprise, wonder, admiration; things that amaze or astound, marvellous, amazing, astonishing, astounding, wonderful, wondrous, admirable, …

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katanhagaan HILIGAYNON

katanhagáan - Wonder, miracle, prodigy, marvel; wonderful, marvellous, miraculous, extraordinary. (cf. tanhágà, katingaláhan.

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katingala HILIGAYNON

katingála - Wonder, astonishment, marvel, amazement, wonderment, admiration, surprise; to wonder, etc. Nagakatingála akó. I am astonished. Punô siá sa …

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katingalahan HILIGAYNON

katingaláhan - Wonder, marvel, miracle, prodigy, phenomenon, things that are astonishing. See katingála. (cf. katanhagáan).

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legend ENGLISH

A story respecting saints; especially, one of a marvelous nature.

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makatalanhaga HILIGAYNON

makatalanhágà - (H) Marvellous, astounding, amazing, astonishing, wondrous, wonderful, stupendous, miraculous, extraordinary, phenomenal. (cf. tanhágà).

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marvel ENGLISH

To cause to marvel, or be surprised; -- used impersonally.

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