"Marimonda" is a word in ENGLISH

marimonda ENGLISH

A spider monkey (Ateles belzebuth) of Central and South

Few words of positivity

Companies are accustomed to dismissing employees for misuse of computers at work.

Bill Dedman

Laugh your heart out.

One man's hobby was fishing, he spent all his weekends near the river or lake, paying no attention to weather. One Sunday, early in the morning, he went to the river, as usual. It was cold and raining, and he decided to return back to his house. He came in, went to his bedroom, undressed and laid near his wife. "What a terrible weather today, honey." he said to her. "Yes. And my idiot went fishing!"

aguyangyang CEBUANO

aguyangyang n a k. o. poisonous field spider with a red tip at the abdomen.

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aliyunyun CEBUANO

aliyunyun (from yunyun) n an insect similar to a spider, of light dirty-brown color, having long spindly legs, so called …

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ananaklaw CEBUANO

ananaklaw (from saklaw) n k. o. tiny house spider that jumps on its prey.

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animalcule ENGLISH

A small animal, as a fly, spider, etc.

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aptera ENGLISH

Insects without wings, constituting the seventh Linnaen order of insects, an artificial group, which included Crustacea, spiders, centipeds, and even …

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arachnidium ENGLISH

The glandular organ in which the material for the web of spiders is secreted.

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arachnoid ENGLISH

Resembling a spider's web; cobweblike.

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arachnology ENGLISH

The department of zoology which treats of spiders and other Arachnida.

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araneidan ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the Araneina or spiders.

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araneidan ENGLISH

One of the Araneina; a spider.

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araneiform ENGLISH

Having the form of a spider.

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araneina ENGLISH

The order of Arachnida that includes the spiders.

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araneose ENGLISH

Of the aspect of a spider's web; arachnoid.

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ateles ENGLISH

A genus of American monkeys with prehensile tails, and having the thumb wanting or rudimentary. See Spider monkey, and Coaita.

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A spider which has the habit of rising into the air. Many kinds ( esp. species of Lycosa) do this …

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banayáw - A spider with a jet-black body and marked with a red spot. It has a very severe and …

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n. stand, support; perch. v. /AG-:-AN/ to step on for support or in order to raise oneself; to perch on. …

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báyut n {1} sissy. Báyut ka. Nahadluk ug lawàlawà, Youre a sissy because youre afraid of spiders. {2} male homosexual. …

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belzebuth ENGLISH

A spider monkey (Ateles belzebuth) of Brazil.

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