"Manurable" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


In old English law. Capable of being had or held ln hand; capa-ble of manual occupation; capable of being cultivated; capable of being touched; tan-gible; corporeal. Hale, Anal. | 24

manurable ENGLISH

Capable of cultivation.

manurable ENGLISH

Capable of receiving a fertilizing substance.

Few words of positivity

We'd walk home together in the foggy summer night and I'd tell her about sex; the good stuff, like how it could be warm and exciting--it took you away--and the not-so-good things, like how once you showed someone that part of yourself, you had to trust them one thousand percent and anything could happen. Someone you thought you knew could change and suddenly not want you, suddenly decide you made a better story than a girlfriend. Or how sometimes you might think you wanted to do it and then halfway through or afterward realize no, you just wanted the company, really; you wanted someone to choose you, and the sex part itself was like a trade-off, something you felt like you had to give to get the other part. I'd tell her that and help her decide. I'd be a friend.

Sara Zarr, Story of a Girl

Laugh your heart out.

What time is it when five dogs are chasing a cat down the street?Five after one.

abatable ENGLISH

Capable of being abated; as, an abatable writ or nuisance.

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abdicable ENGLISH

Capable of being abdicated.

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abíl - (Sp. hábil) Capable, especially with regard to procreation. Mostly applied to domestic animals.

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abil-abil HILIGAYNON

abíl-abíl - Dim. of abíl. Rather capable.

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Having sufficient power, strength, force, skill, means, or resources of any kind to accomplish the object; possessed of qualifications rendering …

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abolishable ENGLISH

Capable of being abolished.

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Abortifacient LAW AND LEGAL

In medical Jurisprudence. A drug or medicine capable of, or used for, producing abortion

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abortion ENGLISH

The act of giving premature birth; particularly, the expulsion of the human fetus prematurely, or before it is capable of …

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abrogable ENGLISH

Capable of being abrogated.

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absolute ENGLISH

Capable of being thought or conceived by itself alone; unconditioned; non-relative.

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absorbable ENGLISH

Capable of being absorbed or swallowed up.

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accendible ENGLISH

Capable of being inflamed or kindled; combustible; inflammable.

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accentuable ENGLISH

Capable of being accented.

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acceptable ENGLISH

Capable, worthy, or sure of being accepted or received with pleasure; pleasing to a receiver; gratifying; agreeable; welcome; as, an …

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acclimatable ENGLISH

Capable of being acclimated.

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Capable of being acclimatized.

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Capable of being accomplished; practicable.

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accountable ENGLISH

Capable of being accounted for; explicable.

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achievable ENGLISH

Capable of being achieved.

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acidifiable ENGLISH

Capable of being acidified, or converted into an acid.

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