"Manunudangsudang" is a word in HILIGAYNON

manunudangsudang HILIGAYNON

manunudángsudáng - An unwelcome
visitor, a parasite, sycophant. (cf.

Few words of positivity

I believe in Las Vegas. I think its best days are ahead of it. But I'm afraid to do anything in the current political environment in the United States.

Steve Wynn

Laugh your heart out.

Will and Bill were quarrelling about whose father was the stronger. Will said,' Well, you know the Pacific Ocean ? My father's the one who dug the hole for it.'Bill wasn't impressed, ' Well, that's nothing. You know the Dead Sea ? My father's the one who killed it !


English: breakfast Tagalog: almusal (agahan)

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chlorination ENGLISH

The act or process of subjecting anything to the action of chlorine; especially, a process for the extraction of gold …

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A building of masonry, generally circular, usually erected on the seacoast, with a gun on the summit mounted on a …

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Relating to that tribe of ruminant mammals of which the genus Bos is the type.

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Type confusedly mixed. See Pi.

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purvey ENGLISH

To furnish or provide, as with a convenience, provisions, or the like.

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eventuate ENGLISH

To come out finally or in conclusion; to result; to come to pass.

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Destitute of knowledge and culture; in moral or intellectual darkness; unrefined; ignorant.

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bergomask ENGLISH

A rustic dance, so called in ridicule of the people of Bergamo, in Italy, once noted for their clownishness.

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ventriculite ENGLISH

Any one of numerous species of siliceous fossil sponges belonging to Ventriculites and allied genera, characteristic of the Cretaceous period.

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To fetter, as a horse; to hobble.

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triumviry ENGLISH
futurity ENGLISH

State of being that is yet to come; future state.

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handumanan HILIGAYNON

handumánan - Remembrance, reminder, memento, memorial, souvenir, keepsake. (cf. halandumánan).

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womanish ENGLISH

Suitable to a woman, having the qualities of a woman; effeminate; not becoming a man; -- usually in a reproachful …

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An earthen or pewter cup for liquors; a mug.

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utbung CEBUANO

utbung n tender stalks with leaf buds. v [AN; c1] pick the tips of plants or their axillary shoots o? …

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ligature ENGLISH

Anything that binds; a band or bandage.

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