"Manser" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL


A bastard. Cowell

Few words of positivity

In the wasteland of metro Boston, at thirteen, fourteen, his big dream had been of a gun to his own head, putting him out of his misery—a misery that by sophomore year of college was indistinguishable from everybody else's.

Garth Risk Hallberg, City on Fire

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the argumentative skunk?He always liked to make a stink!

Adulterine LAW AND LEGAL

Begotten in an adulter-ous intercourse. In t^e. Roman, and canon law, adulterine bastards )vere distinguished from such as were the …

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Adulterous Bastardy LAW AND LEGAL

Adul-terous bastards are' those produced by an unlawful connection between two persons, who, at the time when the child was …

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affiliation ENGLISH

The establishment or ascertaining of parentage; the assignment of a child, as a bastard, to its father; filiation.

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Affiliation LAW AND LEGAL

The fixing any one with the paternity of a bastard child, and the obligation to maintain it

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A false or bastard wing. See under Bastard.

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amorpha ENGLISH

A genus of leguminous shrubs, having long clusters of purple flowers; false or bastard indigo.

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Illegitimate by birth; bastard.

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adv. nevertheless, nonetheless, despite anything, in spite of everything; of necessity; simply, just. Basta mapanak uray no agunget kayo. Even …

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bastard ENGLISH

An inferior quality of soft brown sugar, obtained from the sirups that / already had several boilings.

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bastard ENGLISH

A \"natural\" child; a child begotten and born out of wedlock; an illegitimate child; one born of an illicit union.

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bastard ENGLISH

A writing paper of a particular size. See Paper.

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bastard ENGLISH

Abbreviated, as the half title in a page preceding the full title page of a book.

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bastard ENGLISH

A sweet Spanish wine like muscadel in flavor.

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bastard ENGLISH

Begotten and born out of lawful matrimony; illegitimate. See Bastard, n., note.

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bastard ENGLISH

Lacking in genuineness; spurious; false; adulterate; -- applied to things which resemble those which are genuine, but are really not …

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bastard ENGLISH

Of an unusual make or proportion; as, a bastard musket; a bastard culverin.

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bastard ENGLISH

A large size of mold, in which sugar is drained.

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bastard ENGLISH

An illegitimate child; a child born of an unlawful intercourse, and while its parents are not united in marriage. Tlm-mlns …

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In old Engllsh law. A female bastard. Fleta, lib. 5, c. 5, f 40

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