"Manlalaton" is a word in HILIGAYNON

manlalaton HILIGAYNON

manlaláton - Spreading, catching, taking,
infectious, contagious, epidemic,
epidemical. (cf. latón, malaláton).

Few words of positivity

People often think of humility as the act of saying 'I am not that great.' This is lack of confidence. True humility is looking at the amazing people throughout history and saying 'I am pretty great... but I can always be greater.

Matthew Goldfinger

Laugh your heart out.

Kustomir: Day, mainom ning tubig ninyo?

Tindira: Naa ba diay tubig nga makaon?

Kustomir: Dili ba, basig hugaw ni?

Tindira: Aw, hugasi!


latón - To infect, taint with, contaminate, be contagious, infectious, catching, spread from one to the other. Andam ka, agúd …

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makalalaton HILIGAYNON

makalaláton - (H) Contagious, infectious, catching, taking, spreading. (cf. latón, manlaláton).

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malalaton HILIGAYNON

malaláton - Infectious, contagious, spreading, catching, epidemic. (cf. latón, manlaláton).

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