"Manipulate" is a word in ENGLISH

manipulate ENGLISH

To use the hands in dexterous operations; to do hand
work; specifically, to manage the apparatus or instruments used in
scientific work, or in artistic or mechanical processes; also,
specifically, to use the hand in mesmeric operations.

manipulate ENGLISH

To control the action of, by management; as, to
manipulate a convention of delegates; to manipulate the stock market;
also, to manage artfully or fraudulently; as, to manipulate accounts,
or election returns.

manipulate ENGLISH

To treat, work, or operate with the hands,
especially when knowledge and dexterity are required; to manage in hand
work; to handle; as, to manipulate scientific apparatus.

Few words of positivity

Was there ever a more horrible blasphemy than the statement that all the knowledge of God is confined to this or that book? How dare men call God infinite, and yet try to compress Him within the covers of a little book!

Swami Vivekananda, Raja-Yoga

Laugh your heart out.

What place of business helps dogs who have lost their tails?A retail store.

manipulation ENGLISH

The act or process of manipulating, or the state of being manipulated; the act of handling work by hand; use …

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