"Mangustan" is a word in HILIGAYNON

mangustan HILIGAYNON

mangustán - (Sp. mangostán)

Few words of positivity

In the wasteland of metro Boston, at thirteen, fourteen, his big dream had been of a gun to his own head, putting him out of his misery—a misery that by sophomore year of college was indistinguishable from everybody else's.

Garth Risk Hallberg, City on Fire

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the argumentative skunk?He always liked to make a stink!

premonstrator ENGLISH

One who, or that which, premonstrates.

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distortion ENGLISH

The state of being distorted, or twisted out of shape or out of true position; crookedness; perversion.

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n. 1. any temporary mark, impression or line produced on the skin by a string, rope or any other object …

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dungángo - To droop—, drop—, the head or hands in a lazy manner, to be—idle,— indolent,—dispirited, languish. (cf. dungángok, panimókò, …

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To draw out into flakes; to card, as wool.

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solosabado HILIGAYNON

solosábado - Every Saturday. (cf. sarasabádo).

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stanielry ENGLISH

Hawking with staniels, -- a base kind of falconry.

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bankrupt ENGLISH

A person who, in accordance with the terms of a law relating to bankruptcy, has been judicially declared to be …

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Pandoxator LAW AND LEGAL

In old records. A brewer

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adelopod ENGLISH

An animal having feet that are not apparent.

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competitor ENGLISH

One who seeks what another seeks, or claims what another claims; one who competes; a rival.

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dispersal ENGLISH

The act or result of dispersing or scattering; dispersion.

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speculation ENGLISH

The act or process of reasoning a priori from premises given or assumed.

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gallate ENGLISH

A salt of gallic acid.

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As to grand “Assize,” “Bill of Sale," “Cape,” “Distress,” “Jury," “Larceny," and “Serjeanty,” see those titles

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ágak - To support, help along invalids or sick persons, etc.; to help, assist, succour in straits or difficulties. Agáka …

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zebrine ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or resembling, the zebra.

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lizard ENGLISH

A piece of rope with thimble or block spliced into one or both of the ends.

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yist n yeast. Ang yist pára patúbù sa pan, Yeast is a leavening agent for bread.

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enkantado HILIGAYNON

enkantádo - (Sp. encantado) Enchanted, charmed, haunted, bewitched, under a spell, under the influence of magic, or of the devil. …

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