"Manggaran" is a word in HILIGAYNON

manggaran HILIGAYNON

manggáran - (H) Rich, wealthy, well-todo, possessed of property, propertied,
affluent, opulent, man of means. (cf.
mánggad, manggaránon).

Few words of positivity

Haven't you heard? Opposites attract.""yeah, but you're talking about fire and gasoline. With him and you, it's more like pablum and sass.""Which do I get to be?""Darlin', you are all sass, all the time.

Candis Terry, Truly Sweet

Laugh your heart out.

Detective: Why did you dump those vegetables on my desk?Criminal: You said it was time to spill the beans.


In Scotch iaw. To return a writ to the office in chancery from which it lssued

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trabecular ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a trabecula or trabeculae; composed of trabeculae.

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Having power to diffuse itself; diffusing itself.

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A concurrence of wills

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polygamia ENGLISH

A name given by Linnaeus to file orders of plants having syngenesious flowers.

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The kneelike bend, in the anterior part of the callosum of the brain.

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toupet ENGLISH

A little tuft; a curl or artificial lock of hair.

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plethora ENGLISH

State of being overfull; excess; superabundance.

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reenjoyment ENGLISH

Renewed enjoyment.

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metagastric ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the two posterior gastric lobes of the carapace of crabs.

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Select Council LAW AND LEGAL

The name given, in some states, to the upper house or branch of the council of a dty

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apophlegmatic ENGLISH

Designed to facilitate discharges of phlegm or mucus from mouth or nostrils.

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A latitudinarian system or condition; freedom of opinion in matters pertaining to religious belief.

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photograph ENGLISH

To practice photography; to take photographs.

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autoomist ENGLISH

One who advocates autonomy.

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bungut CEBUANO

búngut n {1} beard, mustache. {2} pubic hairs (euphemism). {3} = bulbul, 2. v {1} [a4] for a beard to …

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bulawis CEBUANO

buláwis (not without l) n k. o. danggit fish: Teuthis java.

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belladonna ENGLISH

A species of Amaryllis (A. belladonna); the belladonna lily.

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An obsolete writ for the tenant in frank-marriage to recover lands, etc., of whlch he was deforced

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