"Manen" is a word in ILOKANO


adv. again, once more.

Few words of positivity

Who are you?Are you in touch with all of your darkest fantasies?Have you created a life for yourself where you can experience them?I have. I am fucking crazy.But I am free.

Lana Del Rey

Laugh your heart out.

A baseball manager who had an ulcer was in his physician office for a checkup. "Remember," the doctor said, "don't get excited, don't get mad, and forget about baseball when you're off the field." Then he added, "By the way, how come you let the pitcher bat yesterday with the tying run on second and two men out in the ninth?"Doctor: Tell him I can't see him now. Next.


adv. indeed, of course; then: a confirmatory particle that is used at the end of a word, phrase or sentence. …

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Surpassing in number or quantity; more than; as, above a hundred. (Passing into the adverbial sense. See Above, adv., 4.)

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afflicting ENGLISH

Grievously painful; distressing; afflictive; as, an afflicting event. -- Af*flict\"ing*ly, adv.

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agad Definition: (adv) at once, soon, immediately, right away, promptly Examples: Tumakbo siya agad. (He ran at once.)

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agarup ILOKANO

adv. 1. seemingly, apparently; to seem or appear. Agarup mayat. He seems to be willing. 2. almost, nearly. Nagpaut ti …

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aglalo ILOKANO

adv. especially. --see PALALO.

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agnanayon ILOKANO

adv. always, eternally; eternal, perpetual. -- syn. KANAYON.

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agraman ILOKANO

adv. with, including, in addition. --syn. PATI. RAMÁN, n. taste, flavor. v. /-UM-:-AN/ 1. to taste, flavor. Kayat mo nga …

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alarming ENGLISH

Exciting, or calculated to excite, alarm; causing apprehension of danger; as, an alarming crisis or report. -- A*larm\"ing*ly, adv.

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adv. by far. Napatpateg nga amang ngem sika daytoy anak ko. My child is more precious by far than you.

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anting-anting ILOKANO

n. amulet, charm, talisman. --syn. ANIB. ANTIMANO [f. Sp.], adv. right away, immediately, straightaway. --syn. DARAS, SIGUD.

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apagbiit ILOKANO

adv. for a short while, for a few moments.

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apaman ILOKANO

adv. scarcely, barely, hardly. Apaman nga nagtaul ta asom. Your dog hardly barked. conj. as soon as. Apaman nga malpas …

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araw-araw TAGALOG

araw-araw Definition: (adv) every day

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adv. an interrogative word with the added notion of wonder. Napanak aya? Did I go.

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ayon Active Verb: umayon Passive Verb: ayunan Definition: 1) parallel to, in agreement with (adj) 2) according to...; as alleged …

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bago Definition: 1) change -- PAGBABAGO (noun) 2) new, recent, modern (adj) 3) before, recently (adv/ conj) 2 Definition: Notes: …

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bassit ILOKANO

adj. /NAG-/ 1. small, little (in size). Bassit ka pay laeng. You are still small. --ant. DAKKEL. 2. few, little …

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basta Definition: (adv) an interjection meaning 'enough!'; as long as; just so that 2 Definition: Notes: Spanish Examples:

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