"Manada" is a word in HILIGAYNON


manáda - (Sp. manada) Flock, herd. (cf.
panóng, hubón).

Few words of positivity

We want a money-back guarantee before we take a step of obedience, but that eliminates faith from the equation. Sometimes we need to take a flying leap of faith.We need to step into the conflict without knowing if we can resolve it. We need to share our faith without knowing how our friends will react to it. We need to pray for a miracle without knowing how God will answer. We need to put ourselves in a situation that activates a spiritual gift we've never exercised before. And we need to go after a dream that is destined to fail without divine intervention.If we want to discover new lands, we've got to lose sight of the shore. We've got to leave the Land of Familiarity behind. We've got to sail past the predictable. And when we do, we develop a spiritual hunger for the unprecedented and lose our appetite for the habitual. We also get a taste of God's favor.

Mark Batterson, All In: You Are One Decision Away From a Totally Different Life

Laugh your heart out.

Why is it that at class reunions you feel younger than everyone else looks?

supereminent ENGLISH

Eminent in a superior degree; surpassing others in excellence; as, a supereminent divine; the supereminent glory of Christ.

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destructive ENGLISH

Causing destruction; tending to bring about ruin, death, or devastation; ruinous; fatal; productive of serious evil; mischievous; pernicious; -- often …

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tenant ENGLISH

To hold, occupy, or possess as a tenant.

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swollen ENGLISH

Enlarged by swelling; immoderately increased; as, swollen eyes; swollen streams.

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majority ENGLISH

The military rank of a major.

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láwag - A kind of fishing-method and fishing apparatus employed in catching fish on the high sea.

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perturbance ENGLISH

Disturbance; perturbation.

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triangularly ENGLISH

In a triangular manner; in the form of a triangle.

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kagupa CEBUANO

kagupà, kagúpà n collective term for ones blood relations. Aku ray tituládu sa ámung kagúpà, Im the only one in …

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double ENGLISH

To increase by adding an equal number, quantity, length, value, or the like; multiply by two; to double a sum …

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oulachan ENGLISH

Same as Eulachon.

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kilig Active Verb: mangkilig Passive Verb: kiligin Definition: (verb) to shudder, to shiver, to chill Examples: Malamig sa labas, baka …

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The branch of science which treats of fossil plants; -- usually called paleobotany, sometimes paleophytology.

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katián - Lure, bait, decoy, especially a bird used to lure other birds into a trap. (káti).

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rhetoric ENGLISH

Fig. : The power of persuasion or attraction; that which allures or charms.

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A measure of yarn; a lea. See 1st Lea (a).

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