"Manada" is a word in HILIGAYNON


manáda - (Sp. manada) Flock, herd. (cf.
panóng, hubón).

Few words of positivity

One lives in the hope of becoming a memory.

Antonio Porchia

Laugh your heart out.

A very successful businessman had a meeting with his new son-in-law. "I love my daughter, and now I welcome you into the family," said the man. "To show you how much we care for you, I'm making you a 50-50 partner in my business. All you have to do is go to the factory every day and learn the operations." The son-in-law interrupted, "I hate factories. I can't stand the noise." "I see," replied the father-in-law. "Well, then you'll work in the office and take charge of some of the operations." "I hate office work," said the son-on-law. "I can't stand being stuck behind a desk all day." "Wait a minute," said the father-in-law. "I just made you half-owner of a moneymaking organization, but you don't like factories and won't work in a office. What am I going to do with you?" "Easy," said the young man. "Buy me out."

accroachment ENGLISH

An encroachment; usurpation.

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capillation ENGLISH

A capillary blood vessel.

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reflected ENGLISH

Thrown back after striking a surface; as, reflected light, heat, sound, etc.

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A sheet of glass, porcelain, metal, etc., with a coating that is sensitive to light.

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Of the body; relating to the body; fleshly; sexual

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scarabee ENGLISH

Any one of numerous species of lamellicorn beetles of the genus Scarabaeus, or family Scarabaeidae, especially the sacred, or Egyptian, …

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One of that class of Calvinists who believed that God's decree of election determined that man should fall, in order …

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indecorously ENGLISH

In an indecorous manner.

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búwà n spongy growth inside a coconut shell which is pro-duced prior to sprouting. It is good to eat.

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tugák - Loose, slack, remiss, shaky, not tight or taut; to loosen, be or become loose, to slacken. Tugakí sing …

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operate ENGLISH

To act or produce effect on the mind; to exert moral power or influence.

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covetously ENGLISH

In a covetous manner.

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borecole ENGLISH

A brassicaceous plant of many varieties, cultivated for its leaves, which are not formed into a compact head like the …

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simpun CEBUANO

simpun = singpun.

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doltish ENGLISH

Doltlike; dull in intellect; stupid; blockish; as, a doltish clown.

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actualization ENGLISH

A making actual or really existent.

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country ENGLISH

A tract of land; a region; the territory of an independent nation; (as distinguished from any other region, and with …

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auditress ENGLISH

A female hearer.

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