"Mamahi-Mahi, Mamahi—Mahi" is a word in HILIGAYNON

mamahi-mahi, mamahi—mahi HILIGAYNON

mamahî-mahî, mamahî—máhì - Dim. of mamahî. Rather well developed,
not much torn or fissured, pretty well, etc.

Few words of positivity

You can almost always find chains of coincidence to disprove magic. That's because it doesn't happen the way it does in books. It makes those chains of coincidence. That's what it is.

Jo Walton, Among Others

Laugh your heart out.

Why are there so many piggy banks? Pigs don't like to hide their money in the mattress.

babbler ENGLISH

A name given to any one of family (Timalinae) of thrushlike birds, having a chattering note.

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echinococcus ENGLISH

A parasite of man and of many domestic and wild animals, forming compound cysts or tumors (called hydatid cysts) in …

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glutton ENGLISH

Gluttonous; greedy; gormandizing.

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tsikà, tsikalà n meal, refreshment (slang). Mutambung ta sa kasal kay dúnay tsikà, Let us go to the wedding party …

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air jacket ENGLISH

A jacket having air-tight cells, or cavities which can be filled with air, to render persons buoyant in swimming.

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conirostral ENGLISH

Belonging to the Conirostres.

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stricture ENGLISH

A stroke; a glance; a touch.

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armhole ENGLISH

The cavity under the shoulder; the armpit.

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pamido-pido HILIGAYNON

pamidô-pidô - Freq. of pidôpidô—to sneak or slink away.

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Blinded. Also (Chaucer), 3d sing. pres. Blindeth.

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liwán - Again, repeatedly, a second time; to do again, repeat, to retract. Liwanón ko ang ákon sulát. I will …

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mammet ENGLISH

An idol; a puppet; a doll.

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quadruple ENGLISH

To be multiplied by four; to increase fourfold; to become four times as much.

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gubernatorial ENGLISH

Pertaining to a governor, or to government.

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That which is extorted; exaction.

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perception ENGLISH

The act of perceiving; cognizance by the senses or intellect; apperhension by the bodily organs, or by the mind, of …

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